After reading one too many Stargate\X-Com fanfics along with a healthy dose of Writerscube’s DJ, the idea came to me to try and create a grand repository of sorts while lucid, a place to store any interesting items, weapons, artifacts, or creatures I might come across while dreaming, and then to study them or put them to use at a later time.
Anything at all could qualify- a pretty vase, a doomsday device, a puzzling antique radio that a DC claimed could tell the future, a sample of some exotic flora found in a dreamscape, an unidentified egg, an eye-catching paperweight, or even an interesting concept. The only restriction would be that stuff belonging to friendly or non-aggressive DCs would be off limits, unless they explicitly give permission to take samples or objects. Things already belonging to me in a dream or anything belonging to a hostile entity would be fair game, along with things unclaimed by anyone. (within reason)
While I am still awaiting a LD to begin the actual construction of the repository, the night after I initially conceived of the idea I had a ND in which I came across a circular handheld device that looked like it was made of weathered bronze with a series of glowing red lights or chevrons embedded around the rim. I didn’t know what exactly it was for, (apart from that a mad scientist really wanted to get a hold of it) but I thought it would be an excellent first acquisition for the repository when I woke up.
Sadly, the thought itself was not enough to make me go lucid, but it served as an encouraging proof of concept for the entire plan.
Has anyone else tried something along these lines before? Feel free to post your results if you have, or discuss the possibilities if you haven’t. Does anyone else think this could be an interesting idea to try out?
I read something similar on this forum a year or so ago and I was really intrigued by the concept.
When I begin to get regular LDs, I’m definitely going to try this.
I’m not sure what I would want my repository to look like. Probably a large hall with shelves similar to a library.
The way I see it yhere is no “location” in a LD. Everything is “here” and “now”.
you won’t need a place to “store” dream items since they will be there as soon as you want them.
I also don’t like the way you think about DC’s. Taking from “hostile” would be OK? LD is not a materialistic world. That’s the one you are living in when you are awake
Qu, you are indeed right, but there are some people who do not find it easy to spawn items out of thin air, that is where this repository enters the image
Im aware that this however reQuires you to find this place if you want to get your items
Aye, in the very finest RPG tradition of looting everything from your fallen foes that isn’t bolted down, and bringing bolt cutters just in case. I wouldn’t feel comfortable just stealing things from friendly or neutral DCs, the same as I don’t agree with just randomly attacking peaceful dream characters for kicks. Getting their permission to take something would be fine, as would just summoning a copy of whatever it is. (dreams are great like that)
It’s more the principle of the matter for me. I also generally try to go for non-violent resolutions to conflict in dreams whenever I can.
Spawning items has always been a weak point for me, while teleportation’s always been my strong suite. Besides, the idea itself for a dream location just sounds cool to me.
i wouldnt say dreaming isnt materialistic, i mean, the matrix wasnt, and yet the didnt know they were being farmed
just as everything seems real in WL, reality is only what you see it as, and the reality i see are those in which seem real, and dreaming is all too real.
anyways, i’ve created an armory before, this may seem a little weird for a metalhead, (not that weird) but i enjoy strange, outlandish, and very kick*** looking clothes and armors.
and weapons.
lots of those.
and considering a lot of the time, i forget a design for a specific weapon or piece of clothing, i hit up the armory for anything i need, because i expect those things to be in the same place i left them.
and if its not there, normally my mind goes on a trip and suddenly im chasing a ninja wearing MY armor through new york city.
or something along those lines…
but yeah, its pretty much nothing but a memory bank for all the random things i’ve collected over the years.
and, at least for me, it is useful.
First of all, I don’t know why LD’s couldn’t be materialistic. Hey, if that’s what makes you happy, go ahead and dream about it. It’s your own head, you can do as you please with it.
But, in terms of the repository: I think it’s a great idea. I have a scientific mindset anyway, so the prospect of collecting and analyzing anything appeals to me. Things from the dream world doubly so.