Okay, I may have brought this up before, and if so I’m sorry. I’m not about to read through all these pages to find out. Okay. For you people who do the spinning technique, and it works for you, exactly what do you do? Do you close your eyes, or leave them open? Do you spin as fast as you can, or slow to moderate speed? Do you put out your arms, or leave them at your side? Do you go clockwise, or counter clockwise? I know a lot of you may think I am overthinking this whole deal, but I feel like I am the only person who the spinning technique doesn’t work for. I’ve did it many times in my dreams (if I’m lucky enough to remember), yet my lucidity doesn’t seem to get any better, nor does my hearing, taste, touch, or smell. Sometimes I even have difficulty spinning, as if my feet want to stick to the floor. I usually realize I am dreaming and grab hold of something near, but even that doesn’t seem to work all the time. However, it does seem to work better than the spinning technique. What we need to do, and as I said this may already be a topic so forgive me, is to compile a list of EVERYONE’S techniques to stay asleep and lucid and work out the percentages as to which ones are most effective. Of course, some will work for others as some will not, but there’s a good chance, I think, that the people that certain techniques don’t work for, and others will, could fit into the same group based on their personalities, work habits, eating habits, and/or overall life experience. Think about it. We’re all differnet. Someone who gets out every minute of the day and lives a very high life in the world will have a very different attitude and mindset than someone who prefers the company of close friends, or even a recluse who tends to stay alone and away from big crowds. I guess what I’m trying to say is that techniques are great, and the more we have the better so that if some don’t work for you, then there are at least 50 more to try. What do you guys think?
well i have a few things i would like to say to that.
I agree with you that everyone is diffrent and there for not every tech will work for everyone, but having 50 other to fall back onto is not such a grea t idea.
Remember. Lucidity takes work for most people. And there are about what 8 good methods that i can think of that really do work, and yes there are many more, but with out such a high % rate.
Anyway waht i am say is this. We worked and worked on the tech we had and than we got lucid. so we keep at it and we get better at it. the same goes for trying to stay lucid. You do actally have to work on it.
Some things work others dont. true, but thats what i thought about the lucid tech that i was using. try it for at least a week with the spinning and see if it does work. if it doesnt move on. Remember, you have your whole life for this.
To keep lucidity the idea is to become involved in teh dream world. Touch it feel it, hold it. The idea of spinning bings the ida of movment, which in turn makes u feel the wind and the ground and blah blah blah. the point i am getting at is this. the more you feel the dream world, and the less you feel the real world the more likly you are to stay asleep.
But i do agree with you and getting alist of everyones ideas together.
This was done a while ago but it couldnt hurt to do it again.
For me i prefer not to use the spinning method. i use the hand rubbing and the hold onto somthing. but mostly i move around. The more involved i become the loger i stay lucid. But as we all know there is a border line between keeping lucidity and falling back into the dream. it just akes work to keep on that line.
Thanks, Richard, for your insight. I didn’t mean to come across as if I was against the spinning technique or any technique for that matter. You’re probably right, I just haven’t tried it enough. I’ll gladly give it another go when I get the chance. As for other techniques that may work, I’ve found that looking at yourself in a mirror, especially up close and directly into your own eyes seems to work very well. Unfortunately, you have to be lucid enough to make a mirror appear, or near one. Nevertheless, it works for me. I haven’t tried the hand rubbing technique, although I’d very much like to. Sounds interesting and promising. As I said, it’s probably that I haven’t been too involved with the dream world. See, I read somewhere that you were supposed to remain calm, and that interaction could prematurely awaken you. I find that very unfair because elsewhere you read that touching things, and listening, and using your senses are better for you if you want to stay in the dream. I guess it all boils down to the individual. Thanks again for your wonderful insight.
“A name is a label. And as soon as there’s a label, the ideas disappear and out comes label-worship, and label-bashing, and instead of living by a them of ideas, people begin dying for labels, and the last thing you think the world needs is a new religion.”
Richard Bach
no i knew that u were not dissin the spinning tech sorry if i came across like taht. Remeber that you should always give it a go before you form an oppion on somthing. wetaher in a dream or in real life.
So if people say remain calm do so, but try it once where you break taht rule and go totaly crazy and see if it does anything for you.
Nah, you didn’t come across strong at all. To be honest, I had a few drinks, and found the link to this place in my folder and thought it would be good to come in and catch up on some good habits. Sorry if my drunkenness rambled out some pointless advice.
“A cross without the bar is the number 1. 1, in binary arithmetic means not-nothing, Is instead of Isn’t. 1 is the number of life, no matter how many dreams. A cross without the bar is a capitol I, to remind me that this nameless path is my own personal way of thinking, not to be suggested to anyone unless they ask and then only if that day I feel like saying, which for anyone but you, I don’t”
Richard Bach
lol umm would you mind explaing that quote… i am a little lost lol
You know what’s bad, I don’t think I could! lol. If you have never heard of Richard Bach, then I highly suggest you read ALL of his books. Especially Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. Richard Bach is a just the most brilliant author who teaches life lessons in the most wonderful ways. His stories aren’t mere stories. They are so much more. I just fell like I should tell more people about him. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, One, The Bridge Across Forever, Illusions, and Running From Safety are his absolute best books. He even talks about astral projection in One. Wish I could say more, but you’ll have to read to find out. And trust me, if you do, YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!