I was never a big fan on the original series but i have seen every episode of TNG, Voyager & all episodes of Enterprise series 1 - 3 that were shown here in the UK & around 90% of DS9.
I don’t own boxsets though, although i am seriously concidering it for Enterprise.
If you are looking for a true Trekkie though check out this auction on ebay
I don’t own anything Star Trek related, but I used to watch TNG pretty regularly.
By the way, the show Futurama has a hilarious parody of Star Trek (probably because both shows have similar fan-bases). It’s called “Where No Fan Has Gone Before.” I very much recommend.
yeah don’t you hate how much Star Trek stuff costs, it crazy!
I’m suprised to see people who actually like enterprise, everyone out here hates it and wants it taken off of the air, i personally think that it is one of the better runnings, i watch it every week, but you know i guess you can’t pleaz everyone.
I’m poor so i only have one season boxed set, season 5 of TNG, but i’m hoping to get more.
I agree that enterprise is one of the better star trek series. The other ones have a few good episodes but they also have a lot of boring ones where nothing interesting happens.
The episodes with the borg are usually my favorite ones
I kinda like the theme song, although i think it would have been better if they had just stuck with the traditional beginning, i just think that they were trying to find something new to do after 40 years of the same thing, it can get old.
And yeah Something besides a Rod Stewart song would have been good too.
Russell Watson - Faith of the Heart Enterprise theme works really well for the theme. Although it would probably make more sense to you if you watched the first few episodes.
yeah it did go with the first few episodes, like i said before i like the song but most of the “American Trekkies” don’t like the theme song, maybe they should have done like they did with the first seasons of TNG and change the begginning.