The strangest thing that ever happened to me...

one day about a year ago I went for a walk through the woods, and got lost. I finally came out on this road, and walked down it. While I was walking i saw this arrow on the ground that was formed out of nuts The only way anyone could see it is if they were walking. The arrow was pointing toward a fild that had “No tresspasing” signs posted every ten feet. Someone went out of there way to do this, and every sence then it has perplexed me. Ive allways wondred. I should of crossed the field.

that is so awesome… and very thought provoking. that was really cool thinking about.

I would have done it in a heartbeat, but that’s just my nature. I have been truly lost in woods, and it was both scary and thrilling. The worst was as the sun was setting, but that’s a whole story in itself.

Merry x-mas everybody, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say giftmas

I wish I had done it now, because there so many questions.

probably some hick set it up to lure people onto his land so he can shoot them, or do worse to them…

yeah i agree with holy reality u were lucky u didnt becuase it would of been texas chainsaw massacre or summ crazy xrap like that good job

Well, if you can still go there, get a bunch of freinds, arm yourself (with sticks so you can’t be accused of trying to murder anyone) and go check it out.

Wow i would have done the same thing as you kavaa. That guy probably would jump out of knowhere and sew you.

I hope you’re exaggerating, because if that’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you then not much has happened to you.

It is kind of weird though, I would have checked it out if it had been me.