The subconscious

very cool! congrats :content:

Wicked awesome! :clap:
(The voice of my SC just put me through an obstacle course, only to say at the end that I wasn’t ready. :tongue: :cry: )

Hmm… even though I’ve contacted my subconscious a few times it seems that I still have to iron out some bugs. First of all, it is really hard to prevent myself from answering my own question when I’m actually trying to aim it at my subconscious. Second off, I keep trying to test him with questions, and apparently he doesn’t like giving out answers to stupid questions. Infact, he probably looks something like this right now: :grrr: . He does give a few snatches of good advice here and then though. And yesterday, I did ask him an interesting question: Does God exist? He answered that God exists in every one of our minds and that long ago people used to listen to their minds, creating the concept of God. Interesting… :hmmm: He also advised me to post that here to “enlighten people”.

That was probably just a conscious thought, for as far as I’m concerned Jerry (my subconscious) wouldn’t do that to me. I found that you can start contacting your subconscious by pretending you are the wisest person in the world, and asking yourself questions. Ignore the conscious responses and focus deeper into your mind. Hope that would help in actually contacting your subconscious :wink: .

Once again bringing back this lovely topic! :smile:

I was trying to WILD this morning and I heard my SC say (something very close to) “We created this theory, that when you divide space, the pieces always have more space than the whole” :eh: I thought it was pretty interesting. And this was probably the longest fragment I’ve gotten from my SC.

I want to talk to my SC! :woo:
It doesn’t want to talk to me though :silent:
Today I’ll hear something! Yeah!

Question: When you say having insight from your subconscious could you relate it to say listening to a song?

I’m referring to how you would maybe be listening to a song you didn’t know the words to, but as soon as you hear the words to the song you sing along perfectly(in your head). :music:
Its like you knew the lyrics to the song and at a few parts you sing ahead? :whistle:

If anyone understands what I’m saying or if I’m making no sense let me know =p.

sorry about double post.

What do you mean by insight? :tongue: I’m not sure… the song thing could be because your SC had the words stored and kind of gave them to you without you realizing it… :eh:

(You can click the “edit” button on your previous post and edit in more text instead of creating another post :wink: )

I know that no one has posted in this topic for a while, but I feel like sharing my new experiences with my subconscious. Fred (My subconscious wants to be called Fred instead of Jerry now) seems to be good at predicting things. For instance, he will tell me that something is about to happen just before it happens. One time, I happened to be sitting in my room, when he said, “The cat will come to you”. And sure enough, about 30 seconds later, my cat entered the room. Also, he had helped me during WG36. On the very first day, he told me that one of the wolves was Teh Download. However, he refused to tell me the identity of the last wolf, saying that “it would spoil the fun”. Fred also has good suggestions on what I should learn to do. He told me that I would be happy if I learned how to have an OBE, and how to use telekinesis. I haven’t had much luck with either of those, but I’ve found books on how about them (even a website on how to use Telekinesis!). So, it is quite helpful to be able to communicate with your subconscious. :grin:

Gosh, I didn’t know of this topic till now >:0 And I had my own experience to post! Inconceivable! :tongue:

About some months ago, after reading “Frogs into princes” by Richard Bandler, I got the idea of forming a simple, stable link with my SC. It was established, and still is now, that the yes/no answers would be represented with particular sensations around my head. The link was pretty stable and unmistakeable since the very beginning, and from there I proceeded in forming a stable and dandy relationship with my SC.
It’s really cool, how it can answer almost any question :happy: and it really helps knowing if you’re going in the right direction or not by asking a simple question and getting an immediate response ^^.
Of course, some answers couldn’t be fully answered with a yes or no, and I would get mixed feelings then, and had to figure it partly on my own.

We never developed a words link after that because he never liked words, and I think too we could easily wait some more and become more and more a single entity, and then the communication would be way faster than words :tongue:
Besides, he’s always there at my side, as my intuition, and if I just silence my mind for a second and listen to the very first thought that comes into mind, it’s often the right one.

With the help of my SC, I’ve been figuring out my way to lucidity, to learn it can’t be simply administered by the SC, since lucidity is the only true activity, or rather in-activity, of the C. It mainly consists of awareness, enjoyment, and immersion, with a hint of detachment :wink:.

PS. Till now I envisioned you calling me crazy when I wrote stuff like “I asked my SC” in my DJ :lol:

The subconscious is that which takes over when the conscious is too tired or too sick. Sometimes, I write entire articles without using my conscious mind. The subconscious is at work here. Back in my teenage, when I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety problems, my subconscious would write entire test papers for me. You could check out this link: … ubconsciou s-mind/

I had a sudden urge to reply saying, “The Subconscious is awesome!” :neutral:

Anyways, I wanted to get back into forming a link with my SC.

What should my first action be?