The Super Massive LD Challenge

Sorry bout the title…just getting your attention!!!

Ok I am able to have lucid dreams at will.
Lucidity Master is able to have dreams at will.

SOOOO…were gonna have a friendly competetion to see who can have the most.

When he suggested this I said, “What? Go flat out?” and he said “yeah have 4-6 a night…”

WHOAH! Not tried having 6 in a night…I usually have 2 on average but I know that I can have 4! So why not give it a go!

So the challenge is simply to see who can have the most LD’s. Simple as that. Should be good for us both as we’ll probably end up having more time lucid in the next month than a lot of people have in a year lol!

Not totally sure what I’m gonna do with all this lucid time but…oh well I’m a competitive person! Tune in to the Competion Rankings to see what’s happening!

Eat cheese.

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Good luck on your quest:)
btw…while you doing this could u please try finding my spirit guide and tell her to give me some help finally?:)I cant get in touch with her and shes supposedly out there to do something for me i guess:)

I look for her, though I ma not sure if other people can find other peoples spirt guides, but I will give it a shot

I know this is a stupid question but what does btw stand for? :confused:

BTW = By The Way!

Hey Jack, read my dream diary! In one of my dreams I look for your spirit guide coz you asked me to ages ago! It was quite amusing…don’t know if you’ve read it!

Ohhh…thought you have forgotten…ill go check it now:)

Couldn’t you do this in the January competitions…

How do you guys go about having ld’s on command?

They know they can.

my guess would be WILD

In WILD as far as focusing on something. Is that like out side stimulli like music or sound. Our something your thinking about. And what is a good thing to focus on? I’m sure theres a WILD thread, but figuered whial i was here and sence youguys can have lucid dreams at will. perhapps you can answer.

Actually from what I’ve read, Lucidity Master prefers to use MILD and Pedro does VILD.

I believe one of the reasons why they are so adept at getting LD’s is that they have built up the # of LD’s to the point where their brains are so used to going lucid that it happens almost naturally.

It seems like the more LD’s you have, the better you are at getting them, so it goes up even further. But if you go for awhile without LD’s, you get worse at having them, and the draught continues even longer.

reading about VILD tech

Yes, my favorite technqiue is MILD because I have always been exceptionally good about remembering things without Menmomic aids. Like when I go to the grocery store even if I have 15 + things to get I never need a list. ALso if I wake up in the middle of the night I use WILD for better quality LD’s.

Oh yes as to why we don’t just do it in the comeptition,

  1. I am way ahead of Pedro right now

  2. If we withoyted telling anyone started going up 5 -6 LD’s a day peopel would just being thinking “What bullshit”

Hi you two blessed ones.

I have a suggestion as to what you could do in a LD, since apparently you don’t know what to do with all the lucid time. Jack asked you to find his dream guide. My suggestion might be a little easier :smile:

Go into the woods and find a pair of ravens and remember what they have to say about the world. Please let me know what they said. It gotta be two of them :smile:


Out of curiosity do these ravens have to do with why you named yourself Raven24?

I got a question. Why go for 5-6 a night. Shouldn’t you go for one long one all night. I would just think quality or quanity.

It isn’t very easy to measure how long a lucid dream is unless you have an EEG or something like the NovaDreamer. Pedro at least doesn’t have either of these!

You don’t need either of them. All you have to use is your internal clock.

grin not every is particularly accurate with their internal clock or at least their estimations of it :sad: