The Third Eye

What i have to speak about is the most mysteriest of chakras, the borw or third eye. Many experiances have left me speachless after a nice brow chakra meditation. i was wondering if any of you all would share with me your means of exersizing your brow chakra, i use a combination of meditation, visualizations, and binural beats. and a question that kinda haunts me that i would like answered is this, woud LSD harm your brow chakra, i ask this because i have had lots of this certain chemiccal in me and i know that it messes with your pineal gland, witch is the base of the third eye. any comments welcomev -Peace :om:

I think that the site you are looking for is


But seriously, recently I’ve been trying to open it (I’ve been extremely lazy though) and I’ve noticed that when you have the ‘nothingness’ feeling (I’ve had it for about seventeen weeks now :sad: ) it feels as if my eyes are closed although they are wide open. Kind of like if you close one eye and see blackness as well as your surroundings.

i stimulate my chakras by swirling some activated sexual energy around in them. i noticed that when i did it before bed (even though you’re not supposed to cultivate your sexual energy right before goign to sleep) it had a positive effect on my dreaming

how do you go about collecting sexual energy? from the sacral?

close => from the testicles

read The Multi-Orgasmic Man by mantak chia, i HIGHLY recommend it

i sometimes i get really strong figures in my closed eyes but they go away quickly and i can’t really focus on them

i’m making progress though, at a snails pace.

it’s nice though.

i sort of almost got “puleld” into one, the sort of myoclonic jerk of a feeling, resulting from a deepening visual… the probelm is they look MUFFLED like, covered up by the blackness, very vague and undefined.

once i hit a certain point my head starts ringing lightly and stuff, I don’t know, I seem to be able ot get pretty “deep” but I think it’s only into deep alpha… I can’t really get further than that.

and LSD will not stimulate the pineal gland… the only thing it produces are DMT and melatonin, so smoking DMT would “open it”

LSD will make you have lingering hallucinations for a while (or forever) they say though, like seeing colors and tracers and spots and whatnot… or so they say.

I already see those from time to time, and I’m semi-drug free…