Now i dont know about any of you guys but there are a lot of things that ive been thinking about, that i would like your comment on, if you have any answers and such.
- First of all we still arent sure what dreams are made of, Has any body considerd the possibility that when you lucid dream you might be able to “reprogram” your self? Like make yourself smarter, or have super memory?
- Wouldnt it be awsome! we could give ourselves telekinieses and a bunch of other junk, has anybody ever tried this?
-Also (this is for us believers in god) since when were awake we have control of our bodies right. Are body is like a tool our soul is what matters) so wouldnt you guess that when your lucid you are actually your soul? That would explain the out of body experience phenomena. If its true than it means that we dream because our souls dont go to sleep and need somthing to occupy itself with. - Dreams are supposed to be inside our head and yet its so very real, everything in the dream is in perfect clarity, you can feel, and its like being in real life, yet with sharred dreaming you and someone else dream the same thing, so is it possible that dreams take place in some wierd extra dimension, or i guess a more powerful form of telepathy
-i dont want to make this post to long so ill just stick with these basic questions, I aprreciate any comments you have!