the want to find fear?

Ok, i have had a few dreams where everything would seem nice and ok, but then suddenly i would get a bad feeling about something, or there is a dark doorway somewhere that has an evil feeling to it, but i feel compelled to go to those places!

I don’t know why, but in my dreams i always have urges to find fear whenever i feel it can present itself.

Anyone know why my mind does this? Does anyone else experience it?

Why watch a scary movie? It’s the same reason. For the thrill of it, or the curiosity to see of you will get scared.
If you wish to get scared, maybe you just what to see what frightens you.

Not exactly the same, but I too “like” to confront my fears in dreams. Most of the times those scary things and ideas don’t turn out to be so frightening at all :content:

I intentionally let bad dreams happen if I am lucid, I like the thrill of being scared. My tornado dreams were good for this until they became a dream sign, I don’t fear them any more as I recognise it for what it is. Although that did help me turn INTO a tornado once.

But yes, I often find that I head towards fear in NDs, but I like it, I like feeling scared my NDs can be much worse than tame horror movies of today.