The way countries see each other + stereo types

I was wondering the way each country sees each other and what stero types they have of each other. And be honest (but polite).

And just before anyone mentions this - The British English do not only drink tea! We drink coffee too.

I amagine the world doesn’t have a very good picture of Britian, after how badly the goverments over the last 50 years have messed it up. It is weird the way when a British goverement gains power and they degrade in preformance. This is why I was saying that goverements go corrupt after a while of having power (In the Learn Dutch topic).

lol great topic … did’t we get a taste of this in the ‘aussies unite’ (or something like that) topic? :content:

Let’s make it a game. The one answering tells the stereotype of the one above.

Hmm… british sterotype:

always raining
wearing black hats and umbrella’s
very civilized
very polite
eat a lot of white beans in tomato sauce
eat a very unhealty breakfast
every night fish and chips

lol :wink:

and that from somebody with family in england, babysat (?) with an english family and watches BBC regularily :tongue:

ok go for it with the dutch stereotype. Try not to say windmills, woodenshoes and pot too much :puh:

Aussies and Canadians:
“Mate, eh” and funny accents.
I’ve associated Aussies with kangaroos and boomerangs, but also crocodile hunters. I really don’t know much about you guys to tell the truth…

Funny accents. We imitate them all the time, and it never ever gets old. Spotted dick?? And uh, butlers. Butlers. Men in suits. One piece glasses. Fancy schmancy…

Let’s see… haven’t heard much about the Dutch except chocolate…
Oh I just saw Q’s post… oh well. I’m American. Write my life out. Hey how about the one being stereotyped talks about how correct the stereotypes are??

good idea :happy:

well i do eat a lot of chocolate :wink: but i wasn’t aware this was a special dutch thing.

hahaha, this is fun. I’m scared to be the first American to post here, :shy: I can imagine tons of stereotypes after my post, but be kind please. :grin:

Hmmm, pasQuale is dutch

-Shoes made from trees (heh, I can’t say wooden shoes)
-Funny hats
-“high water” pants - those are short pants that are above the ankle, but below the knee

Hmm, can’t think of many. However, we have a “dutch oven” which is basically a pot with a lid that you use on a stove top. So I suppose I can imagine that the dutch originally cooked mainly on the stovetop. :grin:


-hold their pinky out when they sip tea
-eat lots of bagels
-eat “crumpets” or whatever they are :tongue:
-have bad and rainy weather
-their government officials wear funny looking but ugly wigs :cool_laugh:

-Vegimite! hahahaha (it’s some weird food that I can never remember what it’s made from)
-always say “g’day mate”
-have an accent almost exactly like the English and call each other “bloaks”
-carry shotguns
-have lots of flies
-complain about the rabbits screwing up the ecology
-always find funny names to call their animals. :smile:

Dutch: Stole this from some web site I saw… “blond hair, blue eyes, a Volendam pair of trousers and, of course, the inevitable clogs. In the background there is a windmill and, preferably, some tulips.” :tongue: Wait… Didn’t mention pot… Hmm. All Dutch people are pot heads.

Polite, even when insulting you. (Still haven’t forgiven us for the American Revolution!)
Bad weather.

Large barren land mass covered with kangaroos, baby-eating dingos, and the occasional Croc Hunter. “G’day” “Mate”

Now no one of these groups have posted yet, but I’ll name a few.


Good at cutting grass, blowing leaves, and sometimes shoveling snow.

Evil Natis out to get us all!

Stuck up assholes wearing a berre(sp?) and a black and white striped shirt. Likes cheese and wine.

Kinda slow, eh?

Very smart… and short

NOTE: None of these represent my accually feelings… cept those damn Dutch potheads… How I loathe them…

this is a good topic

These are more well know stereo types, i do not actually soley beleive these.

Americans: Stupid, arrogant and self centered…sorry guys, it seems you guys don’t know anything thats going on internationally and just what goes on in america or has to do with america

Canadians: They’re alright, aussies and canadians get on well. Also have the 2 most livable city’s in the world which are Melbourne (where i’m from) and is Montreal or Toronto? or am i totally wrong all together.

British: tea, bangers and mash. Soccer hooligans

Irish: drunk, red headed, wear green and could be lepricons.

haha, you didn’t really specify that the stereotype about asian being short…everything is proportional for asian guys. That’s one of them.

Lol, yeah, didn’t think that was neccesary… :tongue:

Oh yeah!


Hmm… I’ve covered North America kinda South America… Europe, Asia, Aus… Africa!

Crazy drum beating, blood drinkin, lip diskin, peoples.

Hmm… british sterotype:

always raining - This is a sterotype? I’ve lived here 22yrs i’ve never known it to stop lol

very polite - Why thank you ma’am

every night fish and chips - every other night… alternate for Pizza

Funny accents. - ah yes i watch american tv and i must say i have never heard an english accent that even sounds accurate lol. alots changed since the 40s when everyone spoke like that. Though we do have a few i don’t wanna talk about lol

Butlers - now you are being silly… jeeves, jeeves nice cup of Earl Grey tea if you please.

hold their pinky out when they sip tea - Actually true, but not by choice if you look at the cups where people do that there is no where to put it without burning it lol

eat “crumpets” - hmm haven’t had any for ages makes mental shopping list note
have bad and rainy weather - true so true

their government officials wear funny looking but ugly wigs - They used to QC’s might still wear em lol.

Polite, even when insulting you - strong fake accent I say Neo you rude, insolent rapscalion you! Why i should spank you myself young man - Oh bloody hell skipper ask jeeves to get me a fresh pot of Tea would you, many thanks old man. Right-e-o

Looks over the post again… Gee gad what was in this “special herbal tea” ?

i have a british friend, and maybe it’s just her, but it seems like all the british people i’ve met are sort-of book smart, but have NO common sense.

lol DM :lol:

i forgot: british sense of humour :happy: although i don’t think that is a sterotype, but i do think it is something brittish :smile: And i kind of like that kind of humour :smile:

Covered with kangaroos indeed. The damned giant rats seem to enjoy leaping in front of cars at every opportunity. Stupid critters. Dingos, perhaps, but not nearly enough of the baby-eating variety. And croc hunters? Pretty rare, except for that one disgraceful jackass who shall remain nameless.

I’ll be damned if I know what vegemite is made from, but I can confirm that it tastes utterly horrid. It’s… more powerful than you’d expect. Imagine drinking vodka while under the impression that it’s water.

Indeed, people are quite fond of the term “G’day”, which is almost exclusively followed by “Mate” (recipient’s gender permitting). Primarily a ‘country’ tradition, but used pretty much everywhere.

I wouldn’t say the Australian accent was anything like the English. For starters, we actually pronounce the ‘H’ at the beginning of each word (where applicable).

“'Ave you seen my new 'at? Innit 'ilarious then?”

Instead, we’re guilty of underemphasizing the letter ‘R’, and in some cases dismissing it entirely.

“Let’s go for a drive in my new ‘cah’”

And it’s “Bloke” :smile:

Shotguns? I don’t know, in my experience most farm owners have a rifle of some kind stashed away in plain view of the children, but no shotgun. Bare in mind also, Australia has one of the lowest gun-to-people ratios of any first-world country - you only hear about the stereotypical farm-folk. :smile:

Rabbits are again more of a country thing, but flies certainly are quite the bother. I’ll be damned if I’m ever going to wear a hat with corks hanging from it, so I’ll just stay inside where possible for the rest of summer.

Most of the animals and towns in Australia were named by the aborigines, so they do have fairly unusual names. I think that was our way of making peace with them after stealing all this land and shamelessly belittling them. “Ok, ok, you get to name our capital city, several of our towns, and … let’s hear what you currently call these bizarre creatures around the place.”

for me australia stereotype: everything in australia is poisonous - every spider, snake, ant(?) and plants and fish, i cannot believe how you survive that :bored:

Red Wine & cheese, no rationalists, arrogant but also willing to fight for themselves (going on strike and stuff), beautiful women
I like france :smile:

You are probably the most difficult ones.
Polite (yet youths are swearing a lot, but only when they are by themselves), smart, traditions, very tidy, drinking black tea, horrible food, rainy weather, black humour (I love MonthyPythons), no beautiful women (sorry :wink: )

Horrible food, no real culture, ignorant and over self-councious, liking stupid movies
I even observed myself to be especially nice when talking to americans, since I can imagine the agressive attitude you are probably often confronted with these days

You steal the german cars

Drinking vodka

You are probably best off, concerning prejudices.
Open minded, good social system, little violence, funny language
Only negative prejudice is that you have still a lot of prejudices about germans

Close to nature, always celebrating raves in the middle of nowhere

OK here are mine, no offense to any body.

I recon both Belgium, Holland and Germany have more predudiced than other Europian countries. No offense.

I’m afraid that some of these are true:
always raining
their government officials wear funny looking but ugly wigs
Men in suits.

Chocolate is more of a Belgian thing, and bear.
And I’m sure the British use the word bloke too. But in more of a queen accent.

Americans talk in that annoying acent and are over weight.
Americans love themselves.
The current American president is a complete idiot.
American’s are banned from tieing mooses to planes.
Americans find it hard to say “biscuit”

Tony blaire is Bush’s pet
Old people are grumpy

French eat garlic all the time and smell of it too.
French men have long curley beards and go around thinking they are better than the British (yeah right!)

The Mexican americans are cowboys.

The Dutch speak in a funny accent which is how the term double-Dutch came about.
The Dutch say “Unfortanaley, penut butter” to say Tough Luck.
The Dutch place planks of wood over a wall with churning barrals on each side, and see-saw to do churning, lol.
The Dutch speak like they have their noses held

Russians are sneaky spies

The Chinese goverment love disagreeing with the American goverment, saying how America will one day declare war on them

The Germans secretly still hate Britian and America, he, he.

Japanese, all of those fiting styles.

Aussies live on the wrong side of the world, upside down.
Play a game called spoony forky in which one must look and tell wether the person is holding a spoon or fork up.

Tapir-youve got cool cars :razz:
Russians :
are very angry…
don’t like guests in their houses (thats what i heard in the school,coz i lern german language)
PS.just wait we get in to the EU,we will start to steel youre houses :razz: (joke)

this thread is great for a good laugh :lol:

-I knew the arrogance comment was coming for the Americians. . . . I’m neither confirming or denying this allegation. :gni:
-The current American president is NOT a complete idiot, only 98% worth.
-Some States in the US do have funny laws; like “no icecream cones in your back pocket” … but rarely enforced.
-“biscuit” :eh: I think I say it ok, but I’ll have to hear another pronunciation to compare it to.
tapir, “liking stupid movies” I can confirm this!! :lmao: 99% fact! I claim to be part of the 1% :wink:

Why do you think we keep to ourselves. :wink: yes, the international community seems to dislike Americans. EDIT
-Horrible food, I suppose it depends on the area you live in and your taste, but great food is not hard to come by. Luckily, we have lots of Italians locally that make my favorite food. :grin: (Yahoo!! and my cousin is marrying the niece of the best Italian restaurant around!! :cool_laugh: )
but honestly, I do love hot dogs and hamburgers too!!

Here are some I forgot:

-Make the best gasoline engine on Earth
-make the best cars, next to Germany
-are very smart and electronically gifted (hehe, if that makes sense)

-a continent full of black people :happy: hahah, no offense
-hunt with spears
-are nudist and never wear clothes
-eat rats
-Live close to the Earth much like the Native Americans

Hmmm, I heard this too. I also heard they have “meeting places” outside of their home to meet guest.

-spit when they talk
-have big and hairy women (I have no basis for this comment)
-always sound angry when they talk, even if reading a love poem

-Are rude (I happen to think this is fact :wink: )
-have body odor (no offense, and I have no personal experience to back the claim)
-eat too much sugar
-French men are sleazy, and flirt too much. :lol:
-would take the statue of Liberty back if they could, :tongue:

Mexican: (actual Mexican, and not just southern American)
-Work 80 hours a week
-live with no less than 50 people to a household
-refuse to learn English
-are illegal aliens hiding from the border patrol
-when they speak spanish they are talking about us :happy: (because we are arrogant) :wink:

Puerto Rican:
-hate to be called Mexican

-hate to be called Mexican
-deal cocaine
-ride donkeys to make coffee

-hate to be called Mexican
-are beautiful and flawless

Dominican Republicians:
-hate to be called Mexican
-live in Mexico :grin:

-carry guns and wear military uniforms
-swim to America on rafts made of bamboo

and finally for now
-Have funny looking “mounted police” that ride horses
-their government grows the best marijuana in underground bunkers
-end all sentences with “eh?”
-wishes it was warmer. :grin:

Ok, maybe I over reacted a little. But I’ll happily admit that Tony Blaire hasn’t done much for Britian, or I can’t remember anything he has done.

I agree, but I think the French are very self confident and think they are better than anybody else. I even had a French friend of my parents say it, lol. Mind you, we all know Britian is the best!

Is it true that Scottish people wair there kilts and nothing underneath? :eek:

I meant that they can’t stand calling a cookie a biscuit and refuse to say biscuit.

I also don’t like that platted style that German and Dutch are assioated with when looking at womans hair styles.

I was thinking we could play that word game ^.^ but we have to promote our own country or dispromote (politley) another country, just for a laugh. For example:

Next word: Best

You may dispromote your country or promote another country.

Bitb? that’s not a word! I don’t like that game. It sounds like it can turn ugly fast.

You reminded me of 1 more I’d like to add:
Brits find it hard to say “cookie” :grin: :tongue: