The way countries see each other + stereo types

finnish… hmm actually i don’t know of any finnish stereotype :neutral:
they talk funny, lol :smile: i once had a coworker who was from finland, and when i heard her speak finnish i was like what are you saying??


talk funny :tongue: öhkenöh kehümölm löl :smile:
eat knackebröd :smile:
all have blond hair and blue eyes
live in a cold country.
everything there is still unspoiled (clean air, rivers etc).

Odds of Bush being called disrespectful for visiting the grave: 100%
Odds of Bush being called disrespectful if he hadn’t shown up: 100%

Poor guy :grin:

:lol: wow, good point!

Mmm, a Swedish stereotype:
-they have lots of “sexy TV shows” that would be considered porn in the US. :gni:

hmm lol, "thanks’ christo, nice stereotypes about finns :happy:

hmm i think we have quite similar stereotypes towards those coyntries that have been mentioned…

but what about swedes :content: , how would i put this nicely, err here is such stereotype that swedish males are litle queerish :happy: , well i think that was more in past, or something,
hmm. here indeed is some funny stereotypes between nordic coyntries :smile:
but i think that in reality all nordic coyntries are quite similar nowadays, but ofcourse there is some cultural differencies and language here is very different than in other nordic coyntries etc…

hmm we have some stereotypes towards russians, like that they are criminals and untrustfull… probably because some crimes come from east, but there might been some historical aspect also involved in this view

btw sorry if i made some typos/badenglish i just came from bar

I just remembered an American one; they all say Y’all…
Hey y’all! (as in you all) what’s up? What do y’all want to do today?

lol! Whenever I meet americans and they say y’all I find it so funny :smile: Sorry guys!

Yall stop insulting the foreigners, hear?

You don’t want to visit Texas. I use it only occasionally and no one else around me uses it. Whenever I address my friends, it’s “YOU ALL suck!!”
but I pronounce it kind of quickly so it probably comes out as yuall…

My science teacher mentioned to me today that whenever Germans speak, they sound like they are discussing secret military tactics. It’s true!!!

Howdy ya’ll!! :cool_laugh:

charlottedreamer, I say y’all all the time, and there is no shame in that for me! :content:
I can never decide to type it as ya’ll or y’all, but both work. I usually never type it in the forums or chat. I’m aware of the stereotype that surrounds it. If you say “ya’ll” in front of some people your IQ in their mind automatically drops 100 points. :grin:

When you have grown up with the word, and you learn to depend on it’s use there is no other alternative word for it. Atheist once suggested for me to use “everyone” or “everybody” but that’s too “proper and official.”

‘How is everyone?’ or ‘Is everybody going to the park?’ actually sounds funny in a weird way to me. I guess I enjoy using shorter words with less syllables. They have the same meaning and purpose but with less breath. :tongue:

‘How are ya’ll?’ and ‘Are ya’ll going to the park?’ actually requires a different use of the verbs “Is” and “are.” (I think they’re verbs.)

From it mentions that “is = Third person singular present” and “are = Second person singular and plural and first and third person plural present”
So I suppose “how are ya’ll?” is actually a more proper term for a group. “How is everyone?” uses a singular verb that seems to contridict the definition of the word “everyone.”

:lol: this reminds me of a “The Simpsons” episode I seen tonight. It was a real gut buster funny. Homer had his thumb cut off and the 1 crazy doctor told him he could cut the other one off to make him more symmetrical. Marge and Homer went to see a 2nd doctor but his building was on fire. The foreign doctor is outside yelling to the firefighters “inflammable??? Only in this country does that mean flammable!” :lol: so true, the English language is an evolving beast of confusion at times.

:grin: Yes, I suspected that there were a lot of people on this forum who say y’all… ya’ll… yaull… ok. I don’t know. I really don’t care if you say it or not
But here’s the solution to your problem

instead of ‘are y’all going to the park?’
'are you going to the park? you don’t actaully need the ‘all’ in there :smile: You can refer to 1 person or many people. I know it’s impossable to change habit though!
Once I billeted this American, and she didn’t have a strong accent, but she would always point out when I said ‘eh’ even though i didn’t think I DID say ‘eh’. It was too weird. I was saying it without even realisisng I was :bored:

eh? :lol: I know exactly what you mean.

Some younger people (I know I did) like to use the word “Like” a lot or something. It’s like they can’t find another word just like it or something. No one likes to hear a word like like that is used excessivly or something. :grin:

haha, and “or something” you see can be overused sometimes. Today I noticed an insane overuse of the word “and stuff.” It was painful to hear and stuff. It’s like a 2 year old repeating sounds and stuff. I don’t ever think the person saying it ever hears it and stuff. They can just keep repeating it and stuff, and it drives you crazy until you say stuff. :lol:

Language can be a humorous trait that is different in every household. charlottedreamer, thanks but no thanks for the alternative. It’s not ever a problem and I’m comfortable using it. It’s native language for my area and everyone here is comfortable using it. It’s use has been widely accepted and acknowledged here.

Like, I was reading these posts y’all put here, and like, I was thinking “how funny!” and stuff. I thought “man this world is funny” or something like that and I was amused like, a lot!

I used to be like that. You can still see traces of that, like, even in my posts!

the coolest english accent is the modern british, it sounds so cool. I wish I could talk like that but our teachers use to speak like some german queers. so it’s better off to learn the accent from american tv-shows.

Dreamaddict: yeah, when I watch Leno or something it’s like they censor all the good parts, and it’s a late night show. I can imagine how extreme it must be on daytime tv

but there’s not a lot of nakedness in swedish tv now. a couple of years ago there was some masturbation-guide on a popular tv-show for teens… they shut the show down because some of the parents were upset when they were watching it with their small kids… my question is why they are watching something that is for youths and brings up sexual questions.

and even further back there was a show called Tutti Frutti, it was like Jepeordy (spelling?) but with strippers… kinda popular :tongue:

hehe, well of course you think we are queerish when you sit in your sauna, hitting eachother, drinking vodka and stab swedes… damn macho-culture :cool_laugh:


hehe… gotta eat some knäckebröd now… haven’t eaten it for years. it’s damn tasty if you put the right things on it.
but i have to disagree with the weather-thingie: it isn’t that cold! I could walk out without a jacket last week. but right now it’s cold. couldn’t move my fingers for half an hour when i went out for a smoke :razz:

Im coming back with one about germans… can’t believe I missed them, that’s probably the only people that I hate for real.

o wow christo, spread the love and not the hate. :wink:
DreamAddict hugs the Germans

So Sweden censors Leno? wow, that’s a surprise. I really thought your TV had game shows with naked people or partially nude women that give you your weather, but they censor Leno. Hmmm, :eh: learn something new everyday.

Here in the United States our daytime TV is very “raunchy” and I think worse than late night TV. If I had kids I would prefer them be on the internet than watch daytime television. Our daytime television (monday-friday) is the worst! We have sleezy talk shows that always talk about whacky sex, and they like to scream and fight with each other. Jerry Springer has 100’s of girls a show “flashing” their breast for the audience. (partially blurred from our vision of course.)
heh, I actually would not ever think of typing the things I hear on Oprah here in the LD4all forum. :shy: I’ll try to paraphrase.
At 4pm when kids are just home from school Oprah comes on. Yesterday she had a show about “family secrets” and featured a girl confronting her sexually abusive father. Well, I suppose since child abuse is a serious matter that our censors find it “ok” to let sexual descriptions slide by. I find it a bit backwards from the shows intentions. After 10 minutes of hearing about: “my brothers use to give me head, I jerked off my father, or my father stuck crayons up my vagina” I was too disgusted and turned it off. After viewing that I felt like I HAD been subjected to sexual abuse! I felt that the show was trying to help stop child abuse, but they were in effect actually taking viewers on a mental journey through it! They were telling children stories of exactly the thing they are trying to protect them from. I found it very Ironic.
On many of the sleezy talk shows lots of curse words fly by. The censors do a fine job of allowing the “fah” sound of beginning of a certain four letter word, but silence and no beeps and then the sound of the end “eck.” This really messes with my brain, because sometimes I don’t even notice the censor and can understand all of the curse words. “fah---------in Bitch” or “fah…in whore kiss my butt” are presented to us all to often at what time … out of school time. Yea! :neutral: It makes no sense.
Late night television is a lot better and less offensive. I don’t even turn my TV on for days, but it’s usually after 10pm when I do. I don’t ever hear the same curse words and sexual descriptions at that hour. Very strange indeed.

I’m sorry for the crude language in my post, but it’s nothing you wouldn’t see here in the US on television after school. :woah:

PS: o yeah, I was at a friends house and they were watching some TV drama show during the evening hours. I can’t remember the name of the show, but I think it was “C.S.I” or “Law and Order.” However, these shows focus on zooming in on dead bloody bodies. The language isn’t as bad, but I don’t understand the public’s fascination with murder scenes. Every episode they dress some actor to look all dead, beaten, and bloody. In the episodes I seen they were rape victims so they would be naked and bloody, and the camera would slowly pan over the “dead” body head-to-butt and then kinda zoom away to see the whole body.
For me, it’s so “throw it in your face” that it’s actually silly. I really despise these type of shows and I hate even more that these are the shows with high ratings that will stick around for another year. Thank God for the internet. :wink: Seriously, I think the internet is a medium of entertainment and education where I choose the amount of repulsiveness that I subject myself too. :grin:

wow, sorry for the long post mates. I get mad as bloody hell at the blokes that show such rubbish on the Tellie.
Opps, sorry, I slipped into my Brit language. :tongue:
hehe, “tellie”

ah… ah… this country is most messed up.
Does anyone want to comment on our reality shows? They’re getting rediculous. Worm-eating and “whoever has sex first loses” and what about “Average Joe”?? God. Sickening. Absolutely fudging sickening.

I also hate those talk shows, but I don’t see much of that. But sometimes there’s a Jerry Springer too ugly or too potentially educational to miss…
“My mother is pregnant with my baby!!” I mean, how does Jerry Springer find such people???

It’s the American shows that show ritch spoilt children that I hate (yet love because there so stupid). For example, “…How do I make cookies?..What are cookies made from?..” and “…Here is my bathroom with gold sink plaiting…and my bedroom with a personal swimming pool…”. The best are…“If I don’t get cookies now you aren’t my friend anymore…I want cookies now! cries

Sorry, just had to share what I saw on TV, lol.

"Some younger people (I know I did) like to use the word “Like” a lot or something. It’s like they can’t find another word just like it or something. No one likes to hear a word like like that is used excessivly or something. "

Ok, most forms of ‘like’ are justifiable. People use the word ‘like’ to describe something, but something that is not an absolute quote, not absolutly perfect.
For a very bad example
ex. My friend says to me ’ Woah! Bob is such a loser! He cheated on me that fool!!’

and I say to someone else 'and she was like ‘Bob’s a jerk!’

It’s not a perfect quote, but it says the same thing. That is how you use the world ‘like’ the proper way :smile:

STOP giving me English lessons! :cry: I’m aware of the proper use, I’m just pointing out the habits and stereotypes the misuse of these words create.

For example; In the US if you over-use the word “like” people think you are some bimbo girl from “the valley.” The “valley” is an area outside of Beverly Hills in California.
For example:
"Woah! Like Bob is such like a loser! He liked cheated on me that fool!!’ heh, to rephrase your sentence.
“Like I was explaining to charlottedreamer like words and stuff, and like how people have like bad habits and stuff. It’s like everyone has like stuff that like sounds like annoying and stuff. Like “oh my god” it’s like so annoying.” :lol:

I wholeheartedly disagree. The word ‘like’ has many forms that remind me more of the word/sound “uh.” For example:
“I was uh going to the uh store uh the other day, and uh I seen this uh cat. It uh had uh no fur at all.”

BTW CD, your sig about the brick always makes me laugh. I’m not sure how I can use that sentence, but I made it a mental note for use in the future. :wink:

Whenever I use “like” its just to help decribe something. Sometimes though I jsut say it out of habbit, say if someone is describing something to me I might ask “Is it like blah blah blah?” Thats just to get a larger spectrum, so that if its not exactly blah blah blah, it still might be close… Um, hard to explain, just forget it :tongue:

hahah neo, I understand, really, I do. :smile:
Do you ever say: “I like that.” or “I don’t like that” ?
It’s also used as an similar word as “Agreement” or “approval.” :wink:

I think this topic is diverting from stereotypes and into the blunders of the English language. Next will be describing the differences between: there, their, and they’re! :cool_laugh:

Yes I often use it like that too, I thought that was infered. I’ve never heard of agreement “like” but I have heard it approval, like… or for example, “I like that” Its also used like this “like this”


Hey!! C.S.I is tha shiznit! That’s one of the cooler parts of the show when they zoom in on gooey stuff.

And the thing about Leno: They don’t censor it here… I think! When you see that there has been a clip under his monolouges, then you know it’s been censored. Probably some joke that wasn’t to nice…

Well I can’t really understand the thing about censoring foul-language in the U.S. Over here there’s no such thing. One of the more popular swedish family movies start out something like this:

M: “Hi! Could you borrow me some sugar?”
F: “Yeah! Sure!”
couple of seconds later
M: “Thanks!”
Awkward silence
F: “Do you wanna fuck?”
M: “Err… That would be nice!”

Well daytime TV will always suck! I always miss The Simpsons when I come home because at 4 all the crappy talkshows start, so they put Simpsons at 3 :sad:

Hmmm… 35 minutes to Survivor… (remember, the swedish one is the original… ) :tongue: