Lets face it, lucid dreaming really isn’t good for us. It leaves us exhausted.
If your like me, none of these induction methods do any good at all.
In my opinion, the best way to lucid dream, is to do at least 20 reality checks a day.
When it becomes habit, you will start lucid dreaming much more than you usually do.
Seriously it’s pretty amazing when your in some situation in a dream that seems completely serious and real, and then you, out of habit, reach up and close your nose while still being able to breathe through it. Rocket yourself through the ceiling and wreak havoc upon the poor, unsuspecting dream characters. Love every minute of it.
Lucid dreaming shouldn’t be an every night thing. Let it come naturally, don’t induce them as that in the end leaves you lucid dream-less and losing precious sleep time.
Though they may come to you less often using only reality checks, but when they do come, it’s well worth it. When you only have a lucid dream maybe twice a month or so from doing RCs, it is much more exciting I can imagine then if you get them 15 times a month from inducing them.
True, it may be more exciting, but only because you’re intentionally depriving yourself of the opportunities!
Instead of seeking to limit your LD’s you should try to do new and exciting things while lucid. Also, many people don’t just LD for fun, rather, some actually have an agenda, or a list of serious things that they wish to accomplish in order to better themselves in their waking life; myself, I’m trying to find old memories of my very young life hidden in my subconscious somewhere, this can only be accomplished while lucid. Also, others use LDing as a way to overcome phobias such as public speaking, or a fear of heights.
So you see, not everyone’s out for just the fantasy aspect of it, some people are really using LDs as a tool to better themselves and their waking lives.
We don’t have to get exhausted. Once we really learn, it becomes easy. I know I’m certainly not there yet, but hopefully one day I’ll be. You’re right in that, if you only have lucid dreams every now and then, they become more special. If you learn to induce them at will, you are able to decide when to lucid dream. Ofcourse, you’ll still become lucid without trying, now and then. However, if I have lucid dreams only occasionally, they tend to be short and not very satisfying. But if I’m on a roll, they tend to be longer, and better. Besides, I am greedy, I want them all the time. I’m sure I could make the best of them.