Hello i’m new here but also old at the same time i have been lurking in the shadows watching everyone go by and i finily decided to somewhat step into the light and share some of my methods of lucidity
i’m not sure if anyone elese has thought of theese ideas but here goes
#1. tell yourself you are dreaming nomatter what all day long beleave you are in a dream your subconsious picks up on this quickly since there is no question just an anwser it has worked many times for me to just say to myself and sometimes aloud that i am dreaming over and over sooner or later you WILL be dreaming and say that and relise you ARE dreaming!
#2. assioate everything around you as dream signs i have noticed that the sky is one of my biggest most noticeable dreamsigns as it is almost always distorted very badly ie, changeing colors super speeding clouds more than one sun/moon this has triggered many of my LD’s also
#3. i know of some products you can purchas online one of my faves is called Dream Flow and it is packed with phyto-extracts that potentiate metadream phenomna and increase dream recall i have used it religiously it works!!!
#4.i have noticed haveing insomnia really help me ld because of the level of deep sleep i fall into once i do get to sleep much more vivid dream when i stay up 24 hours or more increasing every other day of no sleep,sometimes i sleep while i am still awake and preform amazeing feats while consious but then wake up to relise it was just a dream
#5. i have found that haveing OCD contriubets greatly to RC’s!!! if you have an obsessive compulsive disorder it easily carries over into your dreams!!! make yourself be obsessive about RC’s and you WILL do it in your dream now the rest is up to you
i would enjoy feddback and any comments are welcome feel free to post any ideas you may have and or what works for you, i currently have about 3 Ld’s a week but i still want more! i know i greedy, but hey you cant rush perfection…
Thank god you don’t write in funky code.
Your profile made me cry (I still can’t translate it)
But your signature made me smile.
Anyways… #1 Sounds like lucid living. I had no idea it helped so much… I’ll give it a spin I guess, but I doubt I have the willpower.
lol… that’s sad and good at the same time.
My main RC is to hold my nose and breathe. I usually don’t do it enough because I always forget. The frequency is down to maybe two or three times a day… not enough to make much difference. But it’s the best RC ever!
edit I had originally put the translation of his profile in here really small if someone wanted it, but then I thoght, this person might want people to figure it out on there own… so I took it out.
Guys, his name is what happens when you type in characters that the forum doesn’t like, but allows. It converted them into those (the raw code for them). He didn’t actually mean to have that =P
Quote —>#4.i have noticed haveing insomnia really help me ld because of the level of deep sleep i fall into once i do get to sleep much more vivid
Hmm… Not something I’ll try and induce to aid LDing. I like sleeping too much
Quote—>#5. i have found that haveing OCD contriubets greatly to RC’s if you have an obsessive compulsive disorder it easily carries over into your dreams!!!
Hmmm… That one wont work for the majority of people, but I can see what you’re getting at.
Quote—>i currently have about 3 Ld’s a week but i still want more! i know i greedy, but hey you cant rush perfection…
Ah, you’re not greedy, I’d love more than 3 LDs a week! Unlike the unsteady 1 a month I’m having now! Have fun with your 3 a week
thanks for the props on the name heh i live and breath computer code when i’m not trying to expand my mind and imagination in various ways ie BWGEN i have made a few lucid presets based on deep alpha to hi beta back to thete stream its basicly the formula for hypnogogic phenoma wich is my name by the way if you couldnt translate it i enjoy long hours of visionry meditation useing my third eye to view my thoughts and memories or even play back a movie i had seen i’m not positive if i just have a photographic memory or if i have discovered a new hidden plane in the absence of the subconsious since i am dissasioated from reality i hallucionate even when i am sobar and now i can controll the hallucinoations to my likeing and see things before me that arnt real but i love it i am very scientific to the point i am now just thought i cant stop thinking and questioning everything that may be due to my obsessive compulsive disorders and an enlarged frontal lobes that make my synapsis fire at an extrodinary rate i have been diagnosed insane but its my prefrence it gives me a whole new demsion to play with that others do not posess altho insane/nonsane i am not crazy enugh to go out and kill anybody so dont worry i am very peacefull and i love to help others it makes me happy to share information for information is power and it is vital for lucid dreaming which i am verymuch into if you havent noticed i’ll stop babbeling for now and check back in a bit to ramble on even more
my god, is that double spaced on purpose? It throws off my reading a lot more than I’d expect. Oh yeah, could you separate your sentences with uh, periods so that I can read it.
" i have been diagnosed insane "
My javascript may be screwed up, but I need to quote that.
Explains the double spacing! Just kidding! …DARN IT MY SMILEYS DON’T WORK!!
insomnia is great once you get used to it as far as puncuating words into senteces well its unnacessary if in the long run you can still figure out what i am saying correct? oh wait damnit i just puncuated a sentect! akk i did it again, oh crap i’m puncuating more and more now, i need to go lay down for a while.
i thought of another RC idea, it may not be the healthiets way to ld but here goes
simply do an RC everytime you smoke a cigirette, i figured hey its something i do all the time everyday, and in my dreams, just turn it into an RC by saying to yourself if i’m smokeing a cigirette i must be dreaming, you would be supprised how easily you can fool your own mind…
That’s a great avatar for |-|ÿpÑØ, maybe someone can resize it for him? I would do it, but I don’t know how
if it were a regular image, I could do it, but it like moves and stuff…
thanks for the info and sorry for the oversized av its fixed now thanks to DM7! rhanks once again man, i had a very odd false awakeing last nite followed by an OOBE but i couldnt feel myself breathing and i freeked out and broke the trance has anyone elese had the sensation of not being being able to breath move or feel your heart beat???
Yes I have that before, they are the common signs of SP (sleep paralysis) especially with not being able to breath. When you enter that again, don’t freak out ok? Just go with the flow. It’ll be an amazing experience that you won’t ever forget.
yeah, smoking a cigeret RC would be extremly effective. Exept the problem is, if you ever want to try quit smoking, you will have a big reason not to, because you have a great RC that your addicted to