I had it about a year ago, so it’s kind of sketchy by now, but from what I can remember I was watching TV, and on it was the news. Normal so far. But when they showed the news anchors, they were George W. Bush and Adam Sandler. They were talking about a giant pizza armada attacking Sweden. They reported more stuff but I can’t remember. It then went on to Mel Gibson doing the weather, saying it will be thunder and lightning frogs out (I honestly don’t know what that means ) Then they went on to John Lithgow reporting from what was then the future, the London 2012 Olympics. Saying that New Chocoadonia won 10 medals so far. It then went black.
I have never before or since had a weirder dream then that.
hahaha That is very weird I’m going to be checking the Olympics to see if New Chocoadonia are actually in it and how many medals they win.