I’ve just launched the new LD4all start page
it’s now easier to go directly to the forum or the chatroom from there.
and the wings are back
I’ve just launched the new LD4all start page
it’s now easier to go directly to the forum or the chatroom from there.
and the wings are back
Looking good, Q!
There’s a weird glitch with Opera when I scroll down and scroll back up, though. Originally, it starts out normal, then once I scroll all the way down and up again, this happens:
It’s no big deal; if I minimize the screen and go back, the screen returns to normal. Plus, I also like the new format better than Ye Olde one.
thanks for mentioning that, i’ll check it out. Stupid opera
can you check it now, bb, or anyone with opera?
Another opera user here I also had error on that page, but other one. The middle panel was on right side of page, making part of right panel unabaliable.
i48.photobucket.com/albums/f211/ … znazwy.jpg ←← A photo here ! (I know, bad colors, too compressed)
BTW: I never seen “winged” page, looks nicer that "unwinged"one.
in IE and FF it should look fine (well, here it does)
what doesn’t opera understand what IE and FF do?
dives in source once again
thanks btw for the compliments BB and DeadDuck
waa, it seems a problem with the positioning of the
smacks all browsers
ah well, i’ll download opera so i can test myself.
WAAHOO! Vleugeltjes zijn terug!
And it’s not a secret garden this time! YAY TO THE WINGIES!
/me jumps up and down
It is easier to get into the forums, nice!
It’s kind of funny how it keeps fixing itself, though. Not only does it fix itself when I minimize the browser and go back, it also fixes itself if I switch tabs or bring another window up in front it it, then minimize that.
It’s almost as if the site itelf is saying, “What? There’s nothing wrong here…”
It’s also a little bit too coincidental that this is happening on a lucid dreaming website that discusses reality checks about looking at things, looking away and looking back again!
Now I’m suspicious.
As for getting into the forums more easily, that never make a difference since I have the forum bookmarked.
I’ve also noticed that you changed the title for the forum index to, “Welcome to the ld4all forum, the lucid dreamer’s community.” How nice! </BB edit>
Cool new front site Q xD
I really liked the wings and my ie shows it fine.
/me thinks Qs browsers soon will need a doctor or 2 …
In firefox the Copyright bit is right in the center of the page.
I love this. It reminds of the start pages that were more popular in websites a few years ago. I never noticed how much this site missed that until now.
Did you fix this Q?
It loads fine for me in IE and Opera.
edit: opps, it happens to me too.
If I minimize Opera and then restore the window it corrects it, but then I can scroll and recreate it.
i haven’t been able to fix it yet, keep the bug reports coming, i’m still working on it. That page is not set in stone and i plan to expand on it, finding a way to directly link to contents, right now the guide part is something on itself, and it’s not really possible to directly link to pages inside, unless you go through that whole ‘please wait loading’ phase again.
for now, there was a need to have something that didn’t say ‘please wait, loading’, for ages, but something that directly showed and points to the 3 main parts of the site.
there, fixed it
the one DeadDuck has in opera I don’t see, i downloaded the newest version. What opera version do you have DD?
img152.imageshack.us/img152/8467 … ed3zs6.jpg
That’s what I am seeing in Firefox. Looks fine in IE.
I use Opera, and it seems, that the errors appear only in older version. I had the error, updated Opera, and error disappeared.
the copyright notice should be fine for you now mohegan
fizyk: do you mean the same error as DD had? that’s good news then. I’m testing in the newest opera and it only has that weird scrolling breakup error.
lol BB by the way did you do a RC?
Yup, that fixed it
It looks great Q
The wings are awesome to, they bring back some old memories
Now that’s something exotic, like a SilverWing site. Looks very divine to me. Personally, I loved it for it’s “holy” look. Bless you, Q. ^^