The Wolfgame Dream Collection

Well this is what LD4all comeback is doing for/to you. I had a wolfgame dream and it was pretty awesome.

In the dream, playing wolfgame was a more rare occurrence. We only played every few months but quite regularly. This was because we didn’t play it online only. Every game was a community offline meeting. Many of the wolfgame sub community came together for a few days to play the game. And I’m talking one game only in that period of time. So the speed was that the same as on the forums. We didn’t do those rushed 10 minute games of superficiality and shallowness that the youngsters do when they play werewolves or mafia!
We would still use the forum to play the official and public parts of realgame but there were also gatherings, secret meetings and tea party like events to discuss realgame. At the same time roleplay was also serious business. The event was sort of a live roleplay for the whole duration. We always picked historical sites like castle ruins and things like that to add to the atmosphere. Also there was a complex system of family trees and relationships among the fictional characters and every player made sure they would fit into the universe seamlessly.

I joined every one of those games except one or two I missed in the early days and was very proud of it :colgate:
I don’t know for sure, but I guess we played around 10-15 of those games in total. Also I bet I was GM in many of them, even though I don’t remember any such detail from the dream. But it’s a reasonable assumption :rofl:


2 WG dreams, one I can post now after the game (about the last wolf) and one from last night about a new WG role, the Sniper.

here :wolf:

Can’t remember if we have a VG dream topic too, but anyhow, Vampires have invaded my dreams :bat:

It’s a sign. You are just refusing to accept it even though it’s projecting its message directly into your mind ;p

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I had two VG dreams this last game. Both were multi-day long, but not very detailed.

The first was on the Day 2b when it was a tie between @Ansie and @Itchies. I dreamt Ansie was voted to be killed, but she was just a villager. The game continued for several more days, no new vampires at night, but we kept voting out villagers during the day. After a few days, I decided to vote Itchies again. She was killed and revealed to be the MV.
In hindsight, Ansie WAS killed in that tie and revealed villager! But Itchies wasn’t even evil :stuck_out_tongue:

More recently on Night 5, I dreamt that @moogle was voted out and revealed to be a special role called The Eddie. The villagers were all surprised, partially because the role wasn’t even listed in the rules! It functioned as a sort of garlic dealer, where she could give a person a garlic under specific circumstances. She had only been able to give out one garlic this game, but we didn’t know who got it.
Well, moogle was a special role, just a real and ebil one instead!

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I had a dream that the bus I was sitting in was kidnapped by terrorists who actually turned out to be vampires. They also had the ability to turn other people in zombies. For everyone else, this was a really scary situation but not for me, because I was used to handling vampires :lol:


Saturday June 13
The Hound

Incubated by VVG
I brought my [dream 7 year old] ‘daughter’ a puppy. Then I realised that VVG :paw_prints: :bat: was active. Whhat if I hadbought her a hell hound puppy {aka werewolf :wolf: ) and I had to ‘kill’ it??

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I had a wolfgame related nightmare. I was out somewhere, being busy, when I suddenly remembered that I had a wolfgame to GM :eek: I logged in briefly with my smartphone after recalling really hard what the game time would be right now. I figured I missed night 1 deadline by half a day already. What a dismay!
I found out there was no wolf bite either. I had no time to prepare a deadline now, but I was thinking what the best solution was. I decided I would remove myself from the game and let somebody else take over the GM. But then again, there were only a handful of players anyway. @Satu-D-2 was the only wolf and she idled, so she would need to be removed and then it’s game over already. With WG having reached such a desolate state, I decided to declare the game dead for good on ld4all =(

Easily the most depressing WG dream ever and one of the more depressing dreams I’ve ever had. It felt so strong like the inglorious end to glorious times.