Theory about dream characters and connections.

Maybe a persons dream character is real, and the reason why people “spawn” randomly is when they enter REM sleep, they start where the person last talking to you left off. Maybe thats why you start a dream in the middle of a convo or in a very weird spot. This is VERY weird to word. lol

Its DeMoNs idea, and he would post this if he could =P Leans towards atheist

That also may be why people can tell you they’re dreaming at a point

Thank you Freecube for posting that, its basically what i was thinking just hard to word.

oh man i read that through 3 times and i still dont get it 100%

k 5 times later i get it now i think i have somting wrong with me, well that could be right i wont disagree there but do you really think that all DC are real. i am sure that a few of them are, and i totaly agree with what you have written i have run a few experiments on this my self, through what limited shared dreaming experiments i have actually done. but it does make sence, do you think that you can expand on it any???

Well ihad read somewhere in an earlier thread that people were having a disscution about if all DCs were real, and so my THeory to this was that maybe if you dream about someone and they are not in rem sleep IRL while you are dreaming about them, then maybe they are just a dream character, but if they are in rem then they most likely are a real person and you are having a dream connection.

just a though, also i don’t think that this is always true…

I got this idea from a couple of nights ago when Freecube and i had a dream connection but he did not enter his dream untill right before mine ended, so he didn’t hear the first part of what i was trying to tell him, in the dream.

sorry if this sounds weird, but its a little hard to word :smile:

well i have had some shared dreaming successes, but i think the mind can also trick you and make you have SDs that aren’t real.

because I managed to ask Sam and Shanna if they’ve dreamed about me (i’ve had a few where Sam is like “whoa, this must be real, you keep showing up to talk to me so much”) and he said he doesn’t really remember dreaming about me but he doesn’t remember his dreams a lot.

so… maybe it was a success, I dunno, I should force him to wake up if it happens again.

but I mean, I remember I was talking to my friend in California and he was all like a zombie, so like dead and confused and sort of “unreal” but I talked to him anyway, told him to contact me, he did, the next day… he doesn’t remember having a dream.

So maybe if they aren’t dreaming you could impact their subconscious, or, maybe he was like in sort of an NREM sleep because the way it was set up, I had an “OBE” within a dream and I went to find him and sort of, maybe, pulled him up and “woke him up” to talk to him.

Then I had my teacher tell me a test was postponed and I had no way of knowing that at all, so either it was wishful thinking come to life or, me accessing the collective unconscious, or, simply, me talking to her.

She said it to me in real life the same way she said to me in the dream.

So I think it’s possible but I can’t say I’ve had “success” in a long while… success must be so hard to measure though, how many acquaintences and friends do I have that … can get 74 + lds a month?

and even I have so many recall problems it isn’t funny so there’s potential for someone to try to contact me but fail because I can’t remeber it.

Oh yeah well actually there was Mega, she randomly said “maybe I’m not real” and pinched me… that was just totally weird, why would she do that as a DC? you know the saying “pinch me I’m dreaming”… i’ve never pinched someone in a dream, and only pinched myself as an RC a few select times… I wasn’t even thinking about her being real, either.

It weirds me out because sometimes I’ll be dreaming and I’ll hear her talking, and often times I don’t really care to encounter her, sometimes I do, and I’m like “WTF… why am I hearing you?” and then she eventually shows up.

So… does anyone else have any of these things happen?