I’ve been reading around here and dreamviews for a while now, and I am noticing more and more of people not understanding what being lucid actually is. Before I go into that, think about what your definition of lucidity is, and be very specific. Also think about what constitutes higher or lower levels of lucidity.
Ready? The answer is simple but often misinterpreted:
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Lucidity = awareness X logic
Before you slap me with a wet fish and leave this page, let me go over the definitions of awareness and logic as they apply to lucid dreaming.
Awareness is the amount of detail/vividity/realisticness you perceive in your dream. The more aware you are in your dream, the more vivid it is.
Logic is how efficient your brain is at finding illogical things in your dream. Signs of low logic would be seeing a pink elephant and thinking nothing of it, or not realizing that what you are doing in the dream is dangerous/not normal for your typical behavior/generally Ill thought out or a bad idea. Signs of high logic are remembering specific details of your waking life (phone #, what you ate for lunch, what you did that day), being able to preform higher math (ranging from multiplication to factoring to calculus), noticing incongruities with the dream and real life (I don’t know where you come from, but trees are generally not blue), and being able to overall think logically.
In order to be lucid, you need to have both awareness/vividity of the dream as well as thinking logically. You can have a very vivid dream and not be lucid, and you can be thinking logically in the dream but not be lucid. To better explain why this is, let me use an analogy of a computer as your brain.
Lets say that I am in a very vivid but low logic dream. The actuall dream acts as data that is fed into the computer, and the output is what you decide to do as a result of that. Lets say that in this vivid dream, I have a discussion about philosophy with a talking pink elephant. The data that is being fed into our dream computer is very detailed and precise, and describes this scene in perfect detail. Our computer than analyzes this data with it’s low logic capacities, and concluded that this is normal (obviously completely incorrect).
Let’s go through the same scenario again, but with high logic and super low vividity. Our poor computer recieves the vague and non descriptive data “I am talking with someone.” Our computer analyzes this data with it’s high logical capacity and decides that there is absolutely nothing illogical about talking with someone. This happens every day, and this is a perfectly valid conclusion based on the data supplied.
Now what happens when the dreamer has high vividity/awareness of the dream as well as a high level of logic? This time, our computer receives a detailed description of conversing with the pink elephant about philosophy. Using it’s high logic capacity it analyzes the data and immediately points out the illogical impossibilities 1. Elephants aren’t pink, 2. Elephants can’t talk, and 3. Generally I do not encounter elephants often except at a circus. Therefore, the computer comes to a conclusion and outputs: You Are Dreaming!
Does the formula Lucidity = awareness X logic make sense now? Good. Hopefully this article will clear up a few accidental misunderstandings you may have. How you increase you logic and awareness in your dreams is up to you now.
After reading some comments, I feel that I may need to expand upon this and add a few exceptions to this rule.
I know I’m going to sound like I’m contradicting myself here, but my original idea is incorrect in saying that the only way to get lucid is to have awareness and logic. Manytimes people get lucid from simply a feeling. As Yisim points out below, people can get lucid with faulty logic that in retrospect isn’t logical at all. I think that a better way to describe what I had ranted about above is to say that Level of Lucidity = awareness X logic. When you find yourself lucid, If you increase your logical level as well as your awareness of the dream, they will last longer and you will be in a higher state of lucidity.
I would say that a good idea is to boost your level of awareness in everyday life. Try to practice Lucid Living. Look at your surroundings and try to stay aware of them throughout the day. Think logically about seemingly normal aspects of your life. It might actually surprise you that when you look at a seemingly logical idea and analyze it deep enough, It turns out not to be logical at all. Treat it as a game to constantly stay logically aware of your surroundings. You win when you find yourself in a dream, due to the fact that your awareness and logic level in everyday life will have (hopefully) increased enough that you will do this in a dream. Try doing logical puzzles before bed or during WBTB.