Things your dreams have in common

Now, this can involve dream themes/signs, but not solely.
What things have you noticed a lot of your dreams have in common (again, not necessarily just dream signs)?

A few examples of mine:

–I’ve noticed that my dreams commonly balance the genders of characters. If the “main character” is male, the next important character will be female. If there are a lot of characters, they usually balance out.

–I’ve noticed that I’m usually not in my own house in my dreams. I have, however, found myself in my grandparents’ house on a number of occasions (and they live but two houses down the street from me).

–I’ve noticed my dreams rarely, if ever, reach something that could be considered a “conclusion”. I don’t suspect this is odd at all-- rather, it’s probably normal. Just thought to make a note. It’s been frustrating at times-- I often want to see what happens next.

–I haven’t had a true nightmare yet that I can recall. No dream has truly frightened me. I’ve also noticed that most of my (noteworthy) dreams are positive and/or warm.

–I often have dreams in which I make good friends with made-up characters, and spend the dream enjoying conversation with them. These usually leave an incredibly warm feeling behind, as I feel some sort of connection with them, even though they’re fabrications of the dream. Sometimes it’s implied that I’ve “known” them for a while, but more often I’ll meet them for the first time.

–Very often, my dreams are portrayed with the characters as cartoon characters. This is not surprising, given my huge involvement with cartoons.

–I’ve noticed most of my dreams are very innocent. There’s pretty much never even the slightest hint of anything sexual, and I don’t think I’ve ever once seen blood in a dream (even in a dream in which I was shot). My dreams aren’t often violent, either, unless it’s in some sort of cartoony way. I have to say, I like that my dreams are like this. It’s a pretty good display of what is and isn’t important to me.

Can any of you think of some things your dreams have in common?

Just thinking off the top of my head here, without going back through my 1300+ recorded dreams… :tongue:

– I think a great portion of my dreams have more women or are balanced

– A great majority of my DILD’s happen in my house, for some reason. My ND’s are normally… anywhere! From normal places that just look different to really strande and bording completely abstract places!

– many of my dreams have no conclusion either, but I’ve noticed some “epic” dreams, full of adventure that have an “epilogue” :tongue: or some kind of closure…

– In my dreams I’m usually very sociable and make friends easily, but IWL I’m actually pretty shy :eh:

– there is sex in a few of my dreams (a lot more frequent in my low level LD’s… :neutral: )

– There’s rarely blood in my dreams as well (I actually made a topic on blood a while back). Although I’ve seen some drops of blood in a couple dreams these past weeks. There’s not much explicit violence either. There are many fights and battles (they probably represent an internal strugle or something, not actually something physical…), but not cutting and braking.

– I have a few dreams where I have a girlfriend or wife or even, sometimes, a soulmate. There’s this implicit eternal kind of love. (IWL I’m not really good with the ladies :shy: I’m shy so…, I mentioned that, ok)

– I noticed I rarely have “Normal” dreams :shy: That is, dull dreams where I’m just at home watching tv or whatever. I usually have adventures or weird things happen. Even if it seems to be a normal dream like, say, in a store, there’s usually some really different people or objects for sale. Or just a weird “vibe” I can’t really describe… And there is always something happening (not sure if only my dreams are like that. There’s little peace and quiet. :tongue:

– I’ve had a good number of dreams where I’m not myself. I’m never anyone specific though, just “some guy”.

– I rarely have nightmares. Every once in a while I have an unpleasant dream, but that’s it. Sometimes dreams that seem they would be nightmares don’t affect me at all… I think most of my ND’s are close to lucidity because I very very frequently have powers in them and when something bad happens I kind of know I can’t get hurt…

Ok, sorry for the long list :shy: I didn’t imagine the more I thought the more things I’d find! And I didn’t even mention my dreamsigns :lol:

Yeah, same here (which I kinda already mentioned). In my dreams, I also possess a more “admirable” traits than I do otherwise (for instance, I give advice to people more often).

Same here. At least, I usually don’t remember them. The ones I remember pretty much always have something going on or have something strange about them.

In a good number (probably at least half) of my dreams, I’m not even in them at all (not even just watching). I believe some people refer to this as being a “disembodied observer”. However, I don’t recall ever being someone else in a dream.

Just the elements I’ve noticed thus far.

  • My dreams are never in a real life location, there is always a twist or significant change to any real life location. Even if my room is exactly as real life, the rest of my house will be different. Or for example, looking out the window yields a view from the front instead of the back of the house.

  • I am very frequently in a completely different body, male, female, young, old, human, non-human. I usually feel the other identity completely, thinking and feeling what the person/creature would feel.

  • Violence or the threat of it features in my dreams in moderate amounts, both directly and indirectly. Death happens rarely, usually it’s implied. Occasionally it will be graphic, and it’s usually extremely graphic in those cases.

  • I sometimes have dreams where other people are seldom seen and I am totally alone for a significant portion of the dream, usually I am myself as I am in waking life in them. It has triggered me to become lucid before.

  • I have one or two recurring elements, a large threatening black dog companion has appeared in at least 3 unrelated dreams (I have become the dog in another). I have a dream-world that I have visited on no less than 5 occasions. I also have seen two different DCs that had the same extremely strong feel about them, which I believe to be a guide of sorts. (When I say extremely strong, I mean the sort of feeling that affects you for days in waking life.)

A few things off the top of my head too…

I’m almost always in a place i do not recognise at all and that has no connection to anywhere IWL… which makes the whole idea of noticing something being out of place in your dream impossible!

I am very often in a school or some kind of learning environment - listening to a lecture, talking to a teacher, on some kind of retreat or once in an amazingly huge ornate school hall type area with hundreds of students - that was pretty cool

If i’m not in a school i’m often in a theatre of rehearsing for something (i used to work in the theatre backstage so maybe thats why)

Sometimes my dreams have quite spiritual themes/conversations…

I almost always slip or lose my footing on stairs - oh! and sometimes i’m in bed or wandering around feeling tired thinking that i need to get some sleep! :eh:

Some very interesting ones in there! As for mine:

  • As with GreenDragon, my dreams rarely feature IWL locations. Even when they do, many things will be different. The most common feature is two towns I regularly travel between are often “fused” in my dream.

  • Special powers. Very often I’ll have the ability to fly in my dreams and usually it causes (or saves me from) bad situations. Sometimes I have above average strength and agility as well.

  • The Hunted. Often in my dreams there are people/organizations after me and/or friends of mine. I often end up fighting a few people in those dreams, where I will usually try to immediately kill anyone who opposes me without question. This leads to…

  • Violence. I tend to have very little pity or remorse in my dreams. I frequently assault people I don’t trust and I’ll often try to kill anyone I deem suspicious or threatening. The reverse is also true. I’m very often the target of assassins.

  • Place switching. My dreams often change “scene and subject” without warning. One moment I’ll be in Africa, the next I’ll be in New York City. Usually the theme of the dream does NOT change, but when it does it’s the location that stays the same. One moment I’m walking downtown with a friend, just having a good time, and the next moment fighter jets appear in the sky and start raining down missiles on me.

  • Video games. Places and people from video games will often feature in my dreams. Sometimes I’m playing a game in a dream and the next moment the point of view changes to the game itself and I’m the character I was first controlling (it can go back and forth like that). Other times, video game characters just play a major role in my dreams.

I also get some of the other things mentioned, like switching points view. I never have nightmares (at least not that I remember). And none of my dreams are ever “normal” (as in mimicking my waking life). Weird stuff is always happening.

Ive noticed these things come regulary in my dreams:

-They normally occur in my hometown, especially the areas around Chalmers…

-Im going by tram or at least see trams :cool:

-The first thing I do after a successful RC is to fly :fly:

-Most of the LD’s I actually improvise what to do :plotting:

-All successful FILD-dreams start that I leave the bed and get out on adventures :peek:

Cool thread! :content:

-Like several others in this thread, I rarely see blood in my dreams. And I do get hurt now and then!

-I’m often in some sort of conflict, someone is chasing me, or I’m trying to get someone out of my dream. I usually fight back if a DC attacks me.

-I very rarely dream about my apartment, but a lot of my dreams start out at my parents’ house.

-Other than my parents’ house, I’m often at a school, or out in nature.

-My dreams often feature animals, especially horses. I love animals, so I do that on purpose…

-Most of my dreams are lucid, however my DCs are rarely lucid, and they tend to deny it or try to wake me if I tell them that it’s a dream.

Well they usually contain whatever I was thinking of last before I fell asleep.

Certain times it was a girl, and then I had a wonderful dream with her in it.


i have only one interesting thing.

-All of my non-paranormal dreams are on east side of my home (i do dream-maps)
-All of my wierd/magical etc dreams are on west side.
-Those quite illogical are either on south or north

I should do RC whenever i face some direction. lol like someone calls my name i turn around and grab my nose in panic “wth are you doing?” hahaha

  • There are more males than females in my dreams.

  • Most dreams take place in places i think to know, but actually are very different (from classrooms to bedrooms to my old house, nothing is actually the same as IRL)

  • I’m often interpreting myself, but occasionally i play some fancy role (ex. a rebel leader against Jedis, a ghost, a video game character, and so on and so forth) and it happens quite frequently to switch points of view with another DC;

  • I have yet to see blood in my dreams, even if i managed to kill an assassin (in the role of a special forces cop) and getting killed myself (from a crossbow bolt), plus some other death i’ve assisted to.

  • I used to have some DO dreams, however they’re getting rarer and rarer (even if it’s a video game story, it’s mostly me that’s playing, I issue commands)

  • My dreams have no plot, they’re either some slice-of-life stories or change into another dream before a satisfactory conclusion;

  • I can see most of the transitions that bring a dream into another (ex. a character gets sucked into a mecha, next thing is exploring the inside of that robot) and remember them.

  • The most important and peculiar of them all, Dreamsigns fail me. (warning: long read ahead.)