things you've done in lds

i haven’t heard alot about 360 degree vision but im imagining it being like when you look at a world map. not when one circle represents one side of the earth and another circle represents the other side. but when its laid out all together. everything is projected in front of you as such.
if you’ve had 360 degree vision is this sort of what its like?

360 vision is not about seeing everything in front of you. It’s not that you just see all what surround you but you also see it in the right place. So if something is behind you, you see it behind you.

Here is a way one might be able to achieve 360 vision. Simply shout out: “360 vision”. Since we normally see 220 degrees though, I would recommend first saying “300 vision” and then working your way up. This is just my opinion though. Havn’t had any experience in this.

I think you should rather look in front of you, memorize what you see and than make a U-turn trying to keep this sight in your mind.

Here are some Ideas of what one could try to do…

Take a trip to fairyland and try to find the fairyQueen or FairyKing…Become a fairy.

Have an interview with the grim reaper on what is death all about.

Take a trip through the looking glass and go find alice! Avoid the red queen though…

Go into outerspace and travel through a blackhole…

Play the lottery and win

have a wizardry battle with another mage

have sex with an angel or demon…

take lsd in your dream and see what your dreamscape looks like…

go swimming in the deep ocean…this is cool

Think of somemore…

There you go everyone. Print that off, and use it as a check list :grin:

I think you could probably do the LSD one at the same time as the Alice in Wonderland though :wink:

Seriously though, it’s good to see people setting goals outside the usual scope of RL. Travelling places you have never been is one thing, but doing things you know only a few other people will ever get to do is simply amazing.

Keep them coming everyone, I need some inspiration :content:

things i like to do would be to…
play pranks on dream characters using my power

grab someone, fly high up and drop him

participate in certain fiction, already created stories or situations

reconfigure the stars in the sky

control weather

be god to my dreaM universe

just try and incorporate some of you’re interests into activities in lds. like, if you play video games go to the mushroom kingdom or something like that. if biology interests you then watch or go to particular eras in evolution. if you’re religious talk to god. you get the idea.

This brings up an interesting point for me. I used to have extraordinary dreams when I was younger. Really creative stuff. In the last maybe ten years I haven’t had so many. I mean, they aren’t drab or unweird by any sense of the words but they aren’t … fantastic, if you get me. So I’ve been telling myself that I want to dream about more fantastic things and lately I can see some of my dreams begin to break out into a weirder world of fantasy. It makes me happy.

I can recall having this one dream as a small kid about flying a spaceship to another planet and participating in a vast jai alai/dodge ball type game with hundreds of players. Balls were whipped back and forth over a net using boomerang shaped slings and those who got hit were knocked out of the game. It was a continuous ongoing game… you could jump in for a while and play and then leave when you were knocked out. There were always hundreds playing at any given time. Funny what sticks in your mind…

one thing you could do and everyone else is to revisit past dreams. ones you’ve recorded in you’re dream journal or ones you simply remember as a child. i wonder how such past dreams would play out when you consciously control them.

How about composing music? I’ve done this a lot in my NLDs, and it all sounded very beautiful, perhaps matching Mozart or Beethoven. I’ve also composed electronica and rock. For some reason, you’re subconcious is far more creative than your concious mind! If only I could remember what I composed…

Well anybody ever just went to earth’s core? That could be interesting :smile:
And amass two huge armies and put them to fight each other (sick, I know). Summon a meteor and fly on it, or just bash it into something… Where do I get this stuff? :cool:

sephiroth, you and everyone else come up with thses ideas for alot of different reasons. but its probably because the idea of being able to do anything gets you to actually evoke such creativity. you can get such creativity maybe writing a comic or a story but in the ld sense you’re actually going to experience you’re adventures first hand and that in itself boosts you’re creative side to keep coming up with more unique ideas. the child at heart really gets fed its need for fantasy.

Yeah… I have experimented with alot of drugs in my LDs. It’s a whole lot o fun… but the drug effects tend to come and go fairly quickly for me.

One of my all time favorite LDs was when I put myself up on stage with the Dave Matthews Band at a huge concert and just jammed. I went off on the most incredable guitar solo! And as the crowd built up in a huge applause and the band was looking over at me like I was the best musican they had ever seen, I started to float up above the stage with my arms up in the air! Everyone was like “HOLY CRAP! HE’S NOT HUMAN!”… That was a fun dream. Dave Matthews is kinda like my idol, so I try to talk with him alot in my LDs.


I could be wrong, but I think your avatar goes a LITTLE over the filesize limit. By about 100k :grin:

Honestly though, since avatars are external links, why is there even a filesize limit? I agree there should be dimensional limitations, but I can’t really see how a file over 6k would have any great effect on anything?

So… is that you in the spider suit? :cheesy:

To wonder some more off-topic

I don’t really like that avtar, but it IS annoying and distracing.
*and I can’t use my middle button scroll when the page gets to it because everything becomes choppy.

harrumph… :neutral:
ok it’s changed

Thanks Gabe, :thumbs:

Atheist, size limits are in place so the forum is easily viewed by many viewers. Some people are limited to dial up 28k connections. If 5 people have 10k avatars, then the page is 50k in just avatars. So a limit of 6k seems fair. :smile:

dimension limits help keep the frames properly sized. If it’s too large, it causes visitors to “side scroll” while reading a post. :neutral: annoying.

to keep on topic, I like to handle scary animals in my LDs. I’ve conquered my fear of spiders after many LDs where I let them crawl over me. It sounds like a nightmare to some, but it was fun. I’ve also petted crocodiles while I hovered above them. After one snapped at me I flew higher and away, I didn’t want to dream how it is to have your leg bitten off :wink:

that just made me remember an LD I had once where I talked with my cat… it was funny cause his voice completely suited him

Once I tried to make my cat talk in a dream. He wouldn’t. He just looked at me. :smile:
And I can add to my list (finally after a long dry spell…) that I’ve fought my mom (she was pretty good at martial arts in my dream, although she knows nothing about martial arts in real life) and Jackie Chan (for a few seconds before a false awakening), and made some weird red thing appear out of my hand. Not too exciting…
I couldn’t really think of something to do when I became lucid yesterday morning. I didn’t really have a set intention. Lucid dreams where I have a set intention are usually much more interesting than dreams where I don’t.

This topic has exeeded the 50 posts. When a topic exeeds 50 posts a new part is opened. In this way the topics won’t become too long. So, time for part II of “things you have done in LD’s”

this topic is now locked. Welcome to part II :grin: