I’m not really sure if it was a lucid dream or I was tricked into thinking it was a lucid dream or what, all I know is it was mega fun. Right now the memory is fading as I type so I may lose some of it.
It started out as a normal dream but I was wearing ninja clothes and had ninjas around me. I thought “Why would I be wearing ninja clothes?” and DING I realised it was a dream and the first thing I did was I left the room because it was hot then decided to make it cool. I saw this lady like you would see at a reception desk and I told her something, don’t really remember much about what I did after that, I do remember doing a couple reality checks by spinning and rubbing my hands. But the big part I remember was showing her that it was all a dream by doing some crazy stuff. I made a couple lawnmowers move in circles and even transformed one into a crazy wierd lawnmower-horse combo and made it gallop and jump around and I woke up. It was an amazing experience!
Still not quite sure sure it was a lucid or not I’ll leave that up to the LD pros .
hey Redgun, I’m not a pro at this, but I would say that this was a LD. As soon as you realize that you’re dreaming you can say that you became lucid. And you used some RC so i think it is LD.
And what goes about remembering LD and normal dreams, I’m sure you heard about DJ. DJ is one of the most important steps in becoming lucid. Because writing DJ will help you to remember dremas, either their normal or lucid. So first you should have is a good dream recall (by having a DJ), then you can start with some technique’s. I had a few LD’s but i stop practicing, now I’m back and I need to gain my dream recall as you do… So good luck…
Nice! I remember when I got tricked into-well it was more force by gunpoint, anyways, transporting with the AVATAR effect I was in my room playing video games with my body just sitting on my bed. Go figure! So point is, to me, is that when you’re tricked into lucidity, you just did it… I need to start a dream journal, good luck on yours!
If you actually noticed the waking up fase in your LD by seeing the dream fade into darkness, then that’s a good sign that you were really lucid and not having a FLD, because in a ND dream you usually don’t notice the waking up part.