Thinking about stuff and creative visualization during WILD

I’ve been training WILD when I get to bed and I’m at the point where I take like 15 minutes to start feeling my body tingling and as if it’s separated of me(it seems like my body is disconnected and the only sensation I get from it is the breathing and the sensation of being there), and sometimes I hear that weird static.

But that’s not what I have doubts about. While I’m doing trying doing the WILD normally I count until 100 and then I try to “enjoy” the weird feeling one has between being awake/dreaming and the random senseless thoughts that come to mind. I do this with the objective of not falling asleep, but lately I’ve been using affirmations and creative visualizations with the objective of changing my habits related to a specific part of my life.

The problem is the best time I have to practice creative visualization is when I go to bed. So I’ve been wondering if I can lay there still and relaxed like I do when I practice WILDing but instead of counting and being aware of the minimal sensory changes I feel, I can practice my creative visualizations and say mentally my affirmations and if they don’t interfere with the “body falling asleep while the mind is awake” phenomenon.

I tried to do this some time ago and what happened is that the visualizations I was doing started making no sense and being random (just like the normal thoughts I have when I’m “falling asleep” through WILD). Is there the risk that when I fall asleep I’ll dream with the visualization instead of the possibility of having a lucid dream ?


Actually a lot of people will start inducing a dream through WILD only to get caught up in these visualizations and fall into a dream. It can be a good sign because then the only step is keeping yourself aware of the fact that you’re dreaming (I tend to keep repeating “I’m dreaming” when I do WILD).

Btw, if you’re not doing so already I’d recommend doing this in the morning rather than when you first go to bed. It takes a while to get to the first REM stage and you are fighting deep sleep the whole time. The best time is 5-6 hours after first going to sleep, but if you can wake yourself up earlier than you have to at any time it will help. You won’t have to deal with a lot of the other side effects of WILD like HH and SP as much either.

I already thought about doing it in the morning, but during the week days I already have to wake up pretty early, so I decided not to do it.

I’ve tried to WILD at night. I only lasted for like an hour. time goes by extra slow. deep sleep is a weird thing though.