This is becoming a huuuge problem for me. I am getting way better at becoming lucid and remembering my intention, but there is a problem that lies in that. I stop to think inside the dream, “What was it that I wanted to do…?” I only take like 5 seconds to ponder this and I remember. However, right afterward the dream scene fades off.
I think what happens is that your mind is concentrated on the task of creating the dream that you are viewing at the moment. If you switch your attention to critical thinking or remembering something, your brain is distracted from the scene it is attempting to create.
When I am lucid, I can usually think pretty clearly enough to know what I wanted to do. I just need helping keeping the dream scene there. I know what to do when the dream starts to fade, but for me, once its fading its pretty much already gone. I haven’t tried spinning as much though. Anyway, If anyone has any tips or thoughts on thinking in LDs then post away.
Auto-suggestion. You have to say and KNOW what you plan on doing in the dream…hours before you go to sleep. If you have this problem then you have to be extremely focused on this one lucid-task you wish to achieve. Umm another thing to do would to make sure your lucidity was as high as possible and that the dream is as vivid as possible before trying to think about what to do. Try some commands if you want…“INCREASE DREAM CLARITY NOW”…or “GIVE ME SOME BLOODY TIME TO THINK PLEASE” lol. Don’t know if that’s any use to ya!
I agree with Pedro. You should plan out what you intend to do, before you go to sleep. Too much critical thinking does weaken the LD, so do as little of it as possible.
That’s not the main problem I am having though. I can easily remember what I wanted to do most of the time, but the shift of attention seems to always unstablize the dream. Its always afterward when I try to go and do the task that the dream fades. Doesn’t really make any sense, but thats just the way it happens.
But if you can plan it so much that there is no shift of attention it should be ok. It aint enough knowing what you want to do. You have also to plan and imagine it WORKING too. And what your gonna do once it does work. Hmm does it happen everytime or sometimes or what?
I guess I can see what you mean since I can easily do anything that I have done in a previous LD. Like flying for example. I have done it plenty of times no and have no trouble at all controlling my flight. Same goes with telekinesis and other stuff too. When I haven’t done something yet, I probably concentrate too hard or something like that which disrupts the dream.
generally when we try to remember something we look away from people or what we are doing and look at the floor or stare out of focus. Try holding the dream scene in view and in focus while thinking about what it was you wanted to do.
Haven’t posted here in a million years, but I was lurking(trying to get back into LDs) and this thread caught my eye.
Good suggestions above, have strong intention. A couple of suggestions:
If you want to do a few things then think up and strongly memorize an acronym. Think of it often during the day. For example I want to Fly, Ask questions, Meditate, and Examine an object closely. During the day say "In my next dream remember FAME " and rehearse what it stands for.
If you get stuck trying to remember -> don’t get introspective. Examine the dream scene and see if something there reminds you. Even if it doesn’t help your memory it should help hold the LD.
Good Luck(to us all, it’s been months since my last LD. Busy life blah, blah)