Guys, i recently read SUNEYE method one which claims to give powers of lucid dreaming and Astral Projection in first attempt itself…
According to this method,

  1. Before going to sleep visualise your third eye chakra (Pineal gland) and say to yourself in short sentence ‘I am aware when i dream’ or whatever u prefer till u get drowsy.
  2. Morning do WBTB method, wake up early and before going to bed, do Third eye meditaion again repeating the same affirmations.
  3. do third eye meditation until u become drowsy…You may not get sleep for 1-1.5 hrs. After that the magic happens…You ll encounter any of the three below…

a) You may feel ur physical body sleeping but u are conscious, then u ll hear buzzing and vibrations and weird sounds, then u ll see ur astral body lifting up and u r astral projecting.
b) You ll have sleep paralysis and when u roll over its astral projection.
c) U ll see an intense, vivid and hypnogagic visuals and when u realise it u ll be in dreamworld.

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