This is Great

What up all,

Recently, nightly, I have been able to remember my dreams. Usually they are very clear fragments, and sometimes I can remember them like they actually happened. I have only written a few of them down, but I think the trick was I am constantly thinking about LD’s during the day and at night and can remember my dreams every night, even without consistently using a dream journal. Just updating everyone on the progress. :wink:

Kool! Yeah when I first started, my recall was usually based on how quickly I started writing my dream down. When I got out my notebook and started writing, I would start remembering even more than I thought. But now my recall is pretty good even without a DJ. Except for last night, for some reason it didn’t even feel like I had a dream at all.

Well good luck on the road to lucidity. Mine’s long and hard, hopefully you get one of the quicker roads.

Hey, cool :grin:. You remind me of me when I first started and improved my DR from nothing to good :grin:.

*whispers “you are dreaming” * :wink:

*konnart “whispers” so are you * :tongue: