Hey, doctorcontrol’s the name, new here.
So, let me give you some information about my dreaming first. I came into contact with Lucid dreaming after reading a couple of topics about the story in inception over at imdb (movies, tv-series etc). A movie i absolutely adore for it’s interesting approach to dreaming. And I read a bit about this lucid dreaming thingie, but thought that this was too much mumbo-jumbo for a guy like me (materialist, atheist, focusing entirely on my career). So i never went down that road…
The latest two weeks iv’e realised how much i actually remembers from my dreams, and a couple of days ago I accidently reached lucidity, if only for a couple of seconds (enough to realize that I was dreaming, then I drifted away). I felt really wierd waking up that morning, and during that day I couldnt think of anything else but this wierd dream, which felt…so surrealistic. It got to me later that night that is was a LD I had experienced. Got really exited. Wanted to try it again.
So I’ve been reading the topics and threads here and got the impression that most people thinks its a good idea to start with the dreamjournal before trying the different methods. And well, thats what ive been doing for the last three days. People tend to say that they dont remember that much about their dreams, well, that does not appeal to me. Downloaded a Journal-app to my iphone to capture my dreams when waking up. The last three mornings iv’e spent at least 20 minutes to write down as many aspects of my dreams as possible and heck, Im walking around with essays in my pockets. I can remember them so clear.
So i was thinking, even if I havent kept dream journal for months to train my ability to remember dreams, do you think its a good idea to start trying a method? I know the basic methods but I dont know what method i should start out with under my circumstances. So what do you say LD4all, should i WILD, MILD, WBTB, or should i just continue keeping dream journal for a while?
I can add that i’ve started to do reality checks to.
PS, Pardon my english. I’m from Sweden.