This is ridiculous....

Here’s real proof that the rational mind does not operate during dreams!

The other day, my friend dreamt that he saw himself on TV, it was a program about him having a lucid dream. He missed the dreamsign…

I’m no better at noticing them - I dreamt that I was in a house and I saw a wooden board on the wall of the kitchen, it read:

“If you see a member of this family walking around in a daze, don’t worry - they have probably just fallen asleep and are dreaming”

I kicked myself when I woke up…

Hehe that’s nothing :smile:
Last friday i had a dream were i bought the book “Exploring the world of lucid dreaming”, and discussed lucid dreaming with all my friends… I didn’t become lucid, damn :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s pretty annoying when such things happen.

Once I was driving a big ocen liner in the streets (it supose to be in the water) I was floting in the air as if it was a space ship while I was in a dog fight with an other liner. Do you think I got lucid. NOT…

Well here’s one dream i had last week; I was walking around my street with an acoustic guitar (i don’t have a acoustic guitar irl) in the middle of the night and there was a big carousel on the street but I did’nt care. When I walked for little while more i looked out in the horizon and tought, “This can’t be a dream becuse there a dinosour there”. And i saw the countour of a T-rex.

But I actully had my second lucid dream recently (Happy! :content: )
I was playng basketball aginst Destenys Child on a huge flying intergalactic basketball court when i realized i was dreaming :cool:

In my second LD I was in an arena where we had to throw bookcases
at each other! Luckily I could climb walls like spiderman…

Once I had a dream I was walking in a train station and a massive sign above me read “ISNT IT TIME YOU DID A REALITY CHECK NOW?”

I read it and thought “oh thats cool, I wish there were more signs like that around because they could help me become lucid when I’m dreaming”

And on I walked oblivious. :grrr:

Its great when you finally do catch on to them though.

In one of my dreams i had to kick living and also wrapped up chickens on a garden patch in order to win prizes that were just like things you would buy at a supermarket.

LOL! I’m proud of myself because once I read a piece of paper that simply said “Must be dreaming” and I became lucid.

My favorite story is from someone on this forum who said “Let me see if I can do a somersault in the air.” Then he says “Ha! Only a crappy half-somersault. I must not be dreaming.”

Here is my missed-LD-ever, it was when I first got into LDing:

I am standing in front of shelves with video games and search for a certain one.Then I think “Hey,I´d really want to know if the reading test works”
So I look at one of the games, look away and look back.A different game is standing there now.
I say to myself “Cool, the reading test really works!” and dream on, non-lucd…


I am the fool that missed this obvious dreamsign, and it’s not the first time this has happened! :bored: In fact, since my friend has made this post, I have had two more seperate dreams where i have missed equally obvious dreamsigns, eg. designing lucid dreams for a graphic design company.

Do any of you have any fail-safe techniques to stop such annoyances happening? I’d be very greatful for some help on this matter! :grin: