This isn't a joke correct?

Ok so recently I’ve learned about Lucid Dreaming and I laughed.

I’m 13 years old. And I’ve been controlling my dreams since I could last remember.

So? Am I special or like why is everyone saying its hard?

Like last night I woke up in my room. But there were few things diffrent with my room for some reason. But I ran around my house and broke stuff.

So please help me? Whats up with this :help:

Your one lucky bugger!

For some people LDing comes naturally, and others have to work hard to get it.

Yippee for you

Is it mutant? A vampire? no, its a natural LDer! Yeah, thats rare.

What are you saying you need help with? Dont take what you have for granted, alot of people do and some even ask how to get rid of them! Your just very lucky :wink:

But is this person… Too lucky?

Man, you should feel happy about it and enjoy it.

You have got a great ability there

But. I want it to go away D’=

Everynight. I go to sleep. And my dreams are always the same! I wake up and I’m in my room. I can leave me room, and go anywhere. But it gets boreing after awhile.

And are you sure its rare?!

But my dreams are strange. It looks like my room. But the furinture is all rearanged?!

Hmm, so you know its a dream, but youre trapped?

Hmm, what about trying to summon a giant/lazer gun/muschles/etc.

Or alternatively summon keira knightley, and you wont bother being in the room for long :gni:

Then just try to go out of your room. :o it’s like a FA that begins a LD. But it’s great ability, and it’s pretty rare. Not like finding a black diamond in your pocket, but still rare. There is few natural LDers on forum, but they are very few, I could count them on my fingers.

In your next LD, fly out and for exaple destroy the city using fireballs, and natural disasters. If it will work, I dare to say that you are natural dreamer with skills. And, that might be bit away from your dream routine, so it could be entertaining :tongue:.

How is it even possible for people to get bored?!?

Read the forums for ideas, if you’re THAT uncreative.

Important question:
cross out false

  1. you are bored because you have been doing everything you wanted to do
  2. you are bored because in every your dream you are in your room.

If you crossed out 2, this means that you need simply few ideas.

if you crossed out 1, this means you trought same way me - you didn’t knew that when you are dreaming, you can control everything.

If you can’t think of anything cool to do just do what you would do normally. Watch tv, play videogames perhaps. There’s no rule that you gotta do amazing things. But you could, at any time. Also, there are things that you always enjoy. Good food for instance. Maybe even disgusting food.
Dreams are the perfect time to goof off.

Man this might seem like a curse, but it is a blessing, really. When you’re about to go to bed brainstorm things you might want to do in your dream, get creative - run at the speed of light, I dunno, explore a haunted house, I dunno, but do that to get your creative juices flowing. Then when you are about to fall asleep think about the things you brainstormed and have one of those as your goal for the LD, eg, to blow up a computer or somthing.

Explore Hogwarts! (hehe Snape rules - the dude on the forum I mean)

You just gave me an idea for a lucid induction technique…

Traumatize yourself in a situation where you do a reality check in the middle of it. Everynight you will be dreaming the same thing, and doing a reality check!

If you can’t think of anything to do while lucid dreaming, how will you ever think of anything to do in real life? Do you do everything out of obligation? Read an interesting fantasy book and live it in your dreams. Hell, read a history book and be a pharaoh. Or just be a pharaoh based on what you already know and fill in the missing details with something creative. There’s literally nothing you can’t do.

what mezz said. Your imagination’s the limit, but I don’t want to knock anyone here by saying they’re unimaginative so…