This may sound crazy=/

Honestly i belive there is a Heven and Hell. But i also like sicence alot and if there is one thing i have learned from science it is that “With all things being equal the simplest explenation is most likly the right one”. so that being said the most likey thing would be, we just rot in the gound, second would be we all become “ghosts” and just wander around, that also being said i still belive in Heven and Hell, God and all that.

Adrenaline is said to make time seem to pass more slowly as well.
Whatever happens after death, I’m almost sure it is better than this physical existence… with the exception of hell of course.

About the ghost thing… I have never see one, but a few times there have been doors slamming shut for no apparent reason. And I have checked, the windows were all closed, so it could not have been the wind… Maybe someone playing a trick on me? Maybe, but I really don’t know…
Oh, I almost forgot, when I was 7 or so years old, I saw some shadowy creature for about a second, about 20 meters away from me. It leaped out from behind a bush and apparently through a closed door. It was dark but I AM sure it was either an illusion or some ghost thing, a human(as far as I know) cant jump 3 meters without… what do you call it when you run for speed before a jump… it did not do this and jumped 3 meters, not realistic :rc:… Would it count as a ghost?

im not the critical guy, I really believe in existence after physical death and i have some experiences in another dementions.
Are LDs located in our brains or in another dimention is not important so much. For me the most important thing is, how many dreams OBEs and APs have to the “reality”. Because if we believe in everything we can touch in reality, if OBE or even LD will give me some prove, something, than i havent know about reality before the experience and i couldnt know,
… I WILL KNOW, NOT JUST BELIEVE, than existence after death isnt ONLY MYTH
thank you :smile:

i wouldnt mind dying if we ended up in a LD. that would be soo cool if we did. it would be like a party every day :cheer:

Heaven being total peace is boring.

I hope it’s Like LDing, if there even is an afterlife. :happy:

Shouldn’t this be moved to ‘Beyond dreaming’? I mean, the topic is more about what would be after death in general than about a lucid world that would be after death.

hear tell we can create whatever we want to experience in the after-life with others

a book on it called Our Ultimate Reality ,

dun’t think tho that LDs are the same as being in astral, but sometimes they might be.