whats a good sleeping postien (sorry i cant spell) that helps u sleep faster at night
I dont htink there is a position that can help you sleep “faster”. I do know that every lucid dream I have had came form sleeping on my right side.
I also know that dream yoga suggests that all men sleep on the right side and all women on there left. It has something to do with running positive energy through your body while you are dreaming.
A good sleeping position to help you fall asleep faster is one that you find the most comfortable.
it usually does change from person to person… so just try different positions until you find one that constantly works for you. i myself find it easiest to sleep on my right side or on my stomach. good luck falling asleep
MY most prefered sleeping position is sleeping on my right side of the body. My right hand hangs over the edge of the bed. My left hand is either Under the covers, on top or sort of hugging the covers…depends.
Generally for me, it’s on the left side of my stomach, so I’m nearly on my back, but facing left. Then the bottom leg straight and the other one pulled upwards a bit. Then my arms out in front of me, the right one further up than the other, but both with a 90 degree turn at the elbows. That’s roughly it, but it varies.
I have the most vivid dreams on my back, though i have to lay face down to sleep.
Last night i slept on my back (miracle) and i remembered all my dreams, until i woke up and turned over then it was just sketchy recall.