This newbie has several questions...

Well… I started this lucide dreamin stuff yesterday so im not tryin to have a lucide dream just yet… But i do have some questions about it…

1.Could it be possible not to wake up?
2.I readed about those wild and mild and those… so what are em? I tried searchin but maybe not widely enough…
3.How long does it take to have lucide dreams? i know i shouldnt try too much but still i dont wana practice for years XD
4.What if have problems falling asleep? I always have probs fallin alseep but when i fall asleep almost no1 can wake me up…
5.I thought i readed about a possibility meetin some1 other lucide person if u try… How could that be possible? or have i dreamed about readin about sumthin like that?
6.How important it is to make those…reality tests or what were they called?
7.I can control everything, right?

I have more questions but always im going to ask sumthin i forget half of the things i should ask… hmm… maybe i’ll ask the rest if i remember em… Plz reply :content:

Oops… i hav been readin the page only from the beginnin and just noticed that there is a whole section for the mild and those stuff… Baka me… i’ll go read em right away…

Hi and welcome to ld4all :wave: and I see you are from Finland too :cool_laugh: YAY!! :grin:

  1. The problem is usually that it’s hard to stay asleep, if you want to wake up you can usually just close your eyes and you will wake up.

  2. if you go to instead of to the forum you can read about MILD and WILD and other things :smile:

  3. For some people it takes a few days and for others it takes a few months. I think the average is about 2-3 weeks until you get your first one.

  4. Is it just when going to sleep at night or is it even if you wake up in the morning?
    I think it takes quite a while for most people to fall asleep at night.

  5. It’s called shared dreaming, and some people believe in it and some don’t. I don’t…

  6. For some it’s very important, because otherwise you can’t really be sure if it’s a dream or not. I don’t do them anymore because they don’t seem to work for me, and I know that I’m dreaming without doing them.

  7. YES :grin: But it might be a bit hard in the beginning to do some stuff. But it gets easier after you have had a few LDs.

JaRoD’s answered it all pretty well…

But what the hell :smile:.

  1. You will always wake up eventually, no matter how hard you try not to.

  2. They’re two different induction techniques.

  3. It’s different for everyone. But it’s definatly worth putting in all the effort - when you get you’re first LD, you’ll agree :wink:.

  4. I have problems falling alseep too. Bummer, eh? You can still LD though (look at me - I can LD :wink:).

  5. Tis called shared dreaming. It hasn’t been proved, and it may not even exist (I like not lean either way personally). Some believe, others don’t.

  6. Their importance is different to everyone. JaRoD doesn’t need to take them - but I do. They’re my main way of becoming lucid.

  7. Yeup.