Thoughts into lucid dreams?

Ok, so I was thinking that about the new Harry Potter book coming out. And I’m not a big Harry Potter fan, so I didn’t think about getting the book really, I was just wondering if Harry Potter dies. And randomly, one month later, I have a dream about it, and my friends and I are at this Harry Potter convention thing, or maybe it was just a book store, but whatever. I randomly buy this necklace thing.

I think my dreams are just random thoughts about stuff that I barely thought about one day, and forget it the next days, so I have a dream on it. The dreams can be from the previous day, or from a month or more ago.

This isn’t the only time where I’ve thought about one thing, and I have a weird dream on it the next nights.

Anyone else have the same thing?

Moved from Gen Lucidness

What you think about often does show up in dreams. In fact, I’ve used such hypnagogic (sp?) contemplation to determine the subject matter of my dreams on occasion.

In a way, there’s not much difference between a contemplative thought and a dream. Just earlier I had watched Star Trek:TNG. Afterwards I started thinking about other possibilities for the episode. In my mind, I started putting myself on the bridge of the Enterprise, trying to picture it all in my mind.

A directed thought is much like a dream. I wasn’t even going to sleep, I was just sort of daydreaming. But after a short while a whole world of ideas presented themselves.