I’ve been wondering what the future holds for LDs…
1.What if LDing becomes very popular and shared dreaming becomes a reality, it would be crazy! The governments might even try to suppress what is possible with LDs. 2.What if a machine was invented that induces LDs everytime you use it! would it cause #1? 3. What if a hypothetical powerful dreamer capable of very strong LDs and shared dreams (caused by #1 or #2?) attacks all the LDers and wins some sort of apocoliptic dream war? I am back with more ideas! 4. What if an Artificial Inteligence could dream… 5. What if a DC some how took over someones mind… ( effectivly rendering them insane, with a duel personality ). 6. What if DCs became self sustaining… ( basicly, this means that they can exist without the dreamer being asleep. ). 7. What if so many people LDed at once ( possibly caused by 1. ) that the very threads of reality were undone and Life… Reality became the dream? 8. What would you do if LDers started dying from dream injuries? 9. What would you do if, say in a LD you created a planet from scratch, created the people who inhabit it and all of the planetary properties that this fictional world has. When, one day watching the news you find that astronomers have discovered a world identical to the dream one… infact it is the dream world…? More Coming… Comments Anyone?
Sounds sort of weird. I would think the goverment would use it to turn people crazy or into vegtables.
The Goverment would definitely start taxing it.
We would have commercials in dreams, like in futurama.
Luckily shared dreams is an impossibility so far. Technically we might be able to induce it someday. That wont be a good thing.
there’ll be disputes on free speech on what you can do in dreams and hackers will start to trty hacking your dream and change it to their liking
i hope to never see any of this!
As a final thing it would turn very much matrix like…
ps i’d rather it be a machine than people to enslave us all
These are all very good thoughts… Yes it would be very matrix like, exept, you know, no giant killer machines.