Thoughts on WILD vs. DILD

moved from lucid adventures :moogle:

This isn’t a question or useful info or anything, but I just wanted to throw it out there.

I’m kind of new at lucid dreaming, but I’ve had both WILD and DILD LDs. I love WILD because the transition is really cool, and there’s so much satisfaction in the few times I pull it off. But, for some reason, nothing quite beats that awesome feeling of surprise when you suddenly come to the realization that everything is a dream, and your whole perspective of the dream suddenly changes. I LOVE that feeling. :smile: :lucid:

Well, I agree and disagree. I’m here with 50/50 opinion. How awesome sudden realization can be, that much awesome can be the realization that you are in a dream from the beginning that you were just in your bed falling asleep…