Three lucid dreams lastnight, thats 1.2.3...

My first LD was triggared by a FA, I got up, and seen that my alarm clock had been unpluged, so I went into the living room to see what time it was, I looke on the wall for a clock, all the clocks were like thermonters, I decided to do a reality check, by counting my fingers, and yes I had six fingers. I immideatly ran over to a clock on the wall, and there was a Chinese man inside one of the clocks. I told him to extend time by 24 hours, and he said extending time, and begin setting the clock. My mother in law was in the kitchen, and I told her it was a LD, she didnt say much… It was a very vivid dream.

The secound LD… I was inside looking out the door, and I saw a buch of what looked like birds flying, I went outide for a closer look, and could see it was leaves, and then the wind picked up, and I saw a twister, twisters are one of my dream signs. I ran back inside, and did a RC. There was a T.V. on in the room, and I crawled inside of it, but I was just inside the box set talking to the characters.

The third LD…This was a allmost LD, but its funny. Im sitting in the living room, and my Mother in law, was sitting at the computer, talking to a lady about a job. Suddenly she picks up the computer mouse, and sticks it in her mouth, and she begins chocking on it. My wife kicks my mother in law in the head to dislodge the mouse so she wouldnt choke. I said “Dont kick her, just pull the cord, and it will come out”. After that I said…"I need to do a RC, but I woke up before I had a chance.

Im on my way LDing gets easier.

Alright! Keep at this, and pretty soon you’ll be having loads of LD’s :cool:.

Congrats! Did extending the time work? I’ve always wanted to try it and see if it made any difference.

No I woke up too soon, Im going to keep trying.

Well, better luck next time I suppose :smile:.

Cool! I had an FA today where i even turned off my alarm clock. (it looked perfect, no weird stuff.) I totally didnt know it was a FA until I woke up for real and saw the same time–again!! Well, Im gonna put a sticker or card that says “RC!!” by the clock, so no matter what i RC when I turn it off.

I always take a RC every time I wake up anyways…

congrats kavaa :smile:

My young padawan is beginning to understand the ways of the force!