Now, when everyone here can see the signature of the current day in the top right corner, I think I can ask here some questions, which I thought to be irrelevant here… First of all, I’ll say that I am interested in this stuff, and by no means I want to say there is something bad about using 13 Moon calendar. The Mayas must have known really much about time and space, if they were able to create the most precise calendar ever. So it’s at least worth thinking about. To tell the truth, I even use it myself… I added a sheet with tzolkin to the excel file where I keep my diary, and now I can calculate the galactic signature for any date. I cannot say I found something important this way, but it is just fun to make a diagram and see that the days when I had LDs lie in some diagonal lines… But since I had to make the formula myself, not just use an online calculator, I met some problems… And I hope there are many people here who know more about this stuff and could make it clear.
The problem is that we do not use the calendar that Mayas used… We use a calendar “based” on it. It means that we just created a rule of naming the days of our Gregorian calendar in a Mayan manner. Naturally, we have the right to call a day any way, but I see this calendar is used for other purposes, it’s something like horoscope, and these uses come from ancient traditions, not from modern days… And if we really want to use it THAT way, we must try and avoid using Gregorian ideas… Wouldn’t it be logical?
My first question is very stupid, but it was my first thought when I decided to use tzolkin. They lived in Mexico, didn’t they? I live in Eastern Europe. I was born in the morning, when it was only the evening of the previous day in America. So, should I calculate my sign from my birth date or take the date one day earlier?
The most natural would be to think that a new kin begins at midnight, whenever you are, so you must take the local time… but even then, we don’t have “local time” for every meridian, only 24 belts, counted from London… We know perfectly well, when it’s midnight in London, but what about other places? Only approximately…
The second question is more intricate… Yes, we take local time. It’s 6:00 here and 22:00 in Mexico. But why do we think it’s 22:00 of the previous day, not the same day? It’s absolutely arbitrary. This moment it’s midnight somewhere in America. Somebody who is there at the moment can say, that the Friday has just begun, that it had already been Friday for some time to the East from him and it is still Thursday to the West. But the Earth is round, if we go to the East, we will return to the same point from the West, and the opposite. So there must be a point where we will have the opposite thing: Friday to the West and Thursday to the East. It’s agreed in the modern world, that all new days begin in the Pacific. But the meridian, where dates change, was chosen just because it is the least populated. If people had to cross the Pacific Ocean more often than the Atlantic, those who wanted to meet the millennium would have had to go to Brazil, not New Zealand. And if the Mayas had to spread their calendar globally, they would probably set the date change meridian according to some astronomical issues, not just a history of European travels, so it could be anywhere. So, again: should I take the today’s or the yesterday’s date?
With the first two questions I was a little bit nitpicky… But the third one is important!
In that Excel file I just subtract 10 November 2003 (the last Cosmic Sun day) from the date, divide the difference by 260, and the remainder is the kin number. It worked for this year, but when I tried to find signatures for days that were several years ago, it did not coincide with the results from the online calculator. And the earlier the date was, the bigger the difference. In the end, I found that it is because of leap years. Excel always counts 29/02/2004 as a separate day. Online calculators take any year as 365 days. If you use an online calculator, you will find, that 29/02/2004 is the day of Blue Resonant Monkey… And 28/02/2004 is Blue Resonant Monkey too!
All right, the Mayas could have leap days… In any case no one knows their calendar in fact. But does any one really think, that their leap day always occurred on the 28 February in the years with numbers divisible by four?
It would be a really weird coincidence, if Caesar had guessed it.
Hi Ilana!
I’ve been following the 13 Moon 28 Day “Dreamspell” Calendar for almost 2 years now, after first being led to it by a dream. After following it for this period of time, the meaning and value of living by these cycles, has definitely become apparent to me. Where before a calendar was just a way of marking a date in my diary, the 13 Moon Calendar has shown me how to make more of each and every moment, while continually offering me deeper insight into myself, and the magic of the world around me. Of course, it was only by taking that initial dive into exploring it and following the cycles, did it’s beauty really begin to show.
The Maya
Yes The Maya were (and still are!) amazing timekeepers.The design of their pyramids and other structures, are embedded with geometries and glyphs, which point to their deep fascination with time. It is said, that the Maya kept between 17-22 different calendars in their heyday, to “map and structure various aspects of human experience”. The Tzolkin, was a 260-day cycle, also known as the “sacred count”…
The 13 Moon Calendar
Yes. Very true Ilana. The 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar is for this reason promoted as a replacement for the Gregorian Calendar (composed of 12 Months of irregular lengths). It’s interesting for example, to consider that the word month comes from the root word meaning moon, yet there are actually 13 lunar cycles in a year, not 12. This is just another example, of man imposing his strucutre, upon a natural form that is already perfect.
The Gregorian calendar is quite simply an artificial creation of the Church, lacking little connection to natural cycles. The 13 Moon Calendar on the other hand, sprung up as a natural measure of time in cultures, as diverse as the Incas, the Maya, the ancient Egyptians, the Druids, and the Polynesians. You have to ask yourself, what’s easier:
13 Moons of 28 Days + 1 Day OR
12 Months of Unequal Measure (31 days, 31 days, 28 or 29 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days, and 31 days)
There are many more fascinating facts, but I’ve always found the fact that dolphins and turtles have the 13 Moon 28 Day cycle built into their form, amazing!
The Dreamspell
Obviously there are many different 13 Moon 28 Day Calendars which have been used throughout the world. The 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar Change Peace Movement, works with a calendar which is also known as the “Dreamspell”, and is unique because of it’s synchronisation with the 260-day cycle first used by the Maya. It is worthwhile noting here that the Dreamspell does follow a different count from the traditional count of the Maya, and was designed to help get the planet as a whole back in touch with natural time.
As to your question regarding the “Kin”, and when each begins. Yes, so at midnight, in our home country, we say that a new “Kin” has come into play. So for example, here in Melbourne, it has just hit the dot of midnight, and so I can tell you that it is a “White Cosmic Dog”. A nice day to expand the flow of love, or at least to learn from the love ever present in the world around us. Meanwhile, for you, in Europe, I imagine that it will still be a “Red Crystal Moon”, because you are a number of hours behind me.
IN short, take the date for the country you live in ,and use that as the basis of the conversion process.
Leap Day
This one’s a common question It’s important to remember that the Dreamspell was designed as a way of bringing the larger humanity, into synchronisation with the natural 13 Moon 28 Day Cycle, and the 260-day count, the flow of natural time.
Now that’s something to think about. What exactly do we as ordinary human beings gain by such pursuits. I think it’s fair to say that we don’t gain an awful lot.
The real purpose of a calendar should really be to synchronise, synchronise humans with humans, humans with earth, earth with our sun, and the sun with our galaxy. For then we are truly running, in harmony with one another and the galaxy.
I know that the leap day problem causes alot of people, but I think as Jose says, the purpose of any calendar should be to “maximise the factor of synchronisation”. Given that billions of people worldwide are already stuck on the gregorian calendar, syncing the two up, to make the transition process to natural time easier, seems very clever to me…
The 13 Moon Calendar Change Movement is a “Peace Movement”. It’s about bringing peace to our planet, through a restoration of man and woman with nature, and about making a committment to making a world that’s worth living in for future generations.
For me this is what’s most exciting! Let’s try and what imagine what the vision of a New Time might be like, and remember the forgotten power of time as art! I hope you’ll check out our calendar “journey of the Peace Train”, as it was inspired by a dream, and has quite a load of info about the calendar, for anyone who’s interested:
Seeya. And thankyou Ilana! It was fun answering some of your questions!
The turtle. Does it have exactly 13 plates on its back? Does this really mean that its plates symbolise the moons of the cycle?
Well of course r3m0t, i didn’t just make it up
Infact it not only has 13 larger plates on the inside of it’s shell, but 28 smaller plates on it’s outer ring/shell.
It’s amazing! Look for a turtle if you can, and check it out for yourself
Here’s a link to a book called “13 Moons on Turtle’s Back”.
Tell me, just for fun, did anyone find out what their “galactic signature” is:
There is ALOT of information about time which will be new to people. When I discovered these things for myself, it was very much an eye- opening experience.
It was even more fun to think them out! I thought I would go crazy, when I counted all the leap days in 52 years and found that their number was 13 too. I just was relieved when found that this is just because 2000 (54100, one more Gregorian feature) was recently and that this number will switch back to 12 in 2100.
All right, I agree to accept the Dreamspell and become a Yellow Cosmic Human… though I would prefer to be a Red Self-Existing Dragon.
To tell the truth, I was just too lazy to change the formula. Thank you a lot for the explanation.
But the fact that the humanity has no time left to invent perfect calendars… no more thousands years to look at the stars, at the nature, into themselves… even no one superfluous day to ask stupid questions about time belts, like I did… Isn’t it a little bit sad?
Hey Ilana - I’m superglad you replied.
For a moment there, I wondered if I’d put all this effort into the typing up of the information, and then noone would write back to me. How lonely
Yes. The numbers 13, and 52 are very special in the 13 Moon Calendar. How’s this for cool:
There are 52 weeks in a year (+ the day out of time). So each quarter of a year is exactly 13 weeks… The number 13, really is a natural power of time! You’ve got 13-day cycles, 13-week cycles, 13-moon cycles, and more…
So you’re a Yellow Cosmic Human… If you’re interested, I’ve put some more information about the keywords for each of the glyphs from the printed calendar we created:
In my case, after being led to follow the 13 Moon Calendar by a dream, I discovered I was a Blue Rhythmic Night. “Blue Night” is the power of the dreaming, and the “Rhythmic” tone, the power of equality, and organising. The first line of my poem reads:
“I organise in order to dream”
Having started a site called Dream of Peace, where dreamers from around the globe were organised into small groups called Dream Teams, I kinda knew I was onto something.
However, as I’ve continued exploring I learnt mroe about other aspects of my signature, and used that as a lens into self-exploration. So for example, Blue Night, tends to be an inward -focused glyph, it’s about our emotional intuition. In some ways, it helped me recognise that shyer part of my self, and kind of work with it.
There are unique relationships between each of the glyphs. So for example, the Blue Night, is supported by the “fearlessness” of the “Yellow Warrior”. If we dare, we can use the power of these myths, as a lens to explore our self, and live more happily in life.
What do the keywords, and poem for the “Yellow Cosmic Human” represent to you?
Yes. It’s a shame that humanity is out of touch with natural cycles; it has had a profound effect on the way we respect the natural environment. On the other hand it’s great having curious people like yourself ask questions Ilana…
I hope there’ll be more! Nick
The problem is that they don’t represent anything at all. I don’t feel that it is about me. Maybe, that’s because I don’t know English well enough to understand what “Presence” means, for example. And it’s unlikely that I ever endure or influence, or whatever.
Hey, do you think I would have bothered you with time belts and leap years and everything, if they represented something for me?
But I think it’s for some extent a question of suggestion. If you are told five times a day that you are a Cosmic Human, you will believe, late or early, and it will change your behavior, your perception of life, everything… And if there are many people believing that the current day will bring them this or that, it is possible, that the synchronicity of their expectations really creates a global cycle. It’s not very materialistic, but for a materialistic person it must be all the same, what names are given to days: Roman or Mayan. If the natural cycles are really 13, 20, 28, then it could be like resonance… If you have a big and heavy pendulum, you still can set it going, if you know its period. The only thing you need is pushing it with the same frequency. Naturally, it will not necessarily be a strict continuation of its previous use, but it is already unimportant, you create new time, and it is as natural now as the original Tzolkin was a thousand years ago.
In any case, I am not going to protect the Gregorian calendar. I wonder if any one really likes it. Somebody who can say: “I love this calendar! It’s such fun to remember that October has 31 days and November has 30! It’s so pleasant to work on Sunday, because a holiday is on Friday this year and we work for next Saturday to have three holidays in a row! It’s so cool to convert km/h to m/s and back (don’t you like dividing by 36? ) It’s so natural that the whole world must use the calendar of the Catholic Church!”
All right, if we begin to kick the Gregorian calendar, we are unlikely to stop soon… But I work in a bank, and I cannot forget that brilliant place in a program:
IF M.ppr=1
dp1 = “(360*(year(dtk)-year(dtn))+30*(month(dtk)-month(dtn))”+ ;
“iif(day(dtk)=31 or (month(dtk)=2 and (day(dtk)=28 or day(dtk)=29)), ”+ ;
dg1 = 3600000
dp1 = “(dtk-dtn+1)”
dg1 = (M.dgp1-M.dgp)*10000
I’m a slow-thinker, so it took me quite a few minutes to understand what it is for. The answer is very easy: if you want to a credit to be paid in equal parts, you have to use the first formula. If you don’t care about it and are ready to meet weird amounts of money, proportional to 31, 30 and 28, you can use the second one.
By the way, I heard once, that 13 is a “revengeful number”, “number of Frankenstein”. It means that it doesn’t necessarily bring evil, as many people believe, and is in fact even a number of good and luck, but if you are afraid of it, it will pursue you until your life becomes a nightmare. I don’t believe in numerology, but if the time is really based on the number 13, the world must be in deep… hmm… in deep trouble.
Hiya Ilana!
I smiled when I read your reply. Hehe. I like that example of that very messy step in the program code Very funny!
Yes. Now isn’t it interesting that we have superstitions like Friday 13th, etc. Did you know that there’s actually a word for this fear. It’s called triskaidekaphobia And yes infact, it is also related to the spanish conquest of the Maya…
Infact, even the Sleeping Beauty is a metaphor for the control of the patriarchy over the calendar, and the imposition of a 12-month cycle over the natural feminine power of 13 moons. I wish I had that story here with me on my computer - it’s a very interesting one!
This 13:20 ratio, which defines the 260 kin of the Harmonic Module, is actually embedded within our bodies. The Maya used a base-20 number system, and are actually acknowledged as being one of the first civilisations to arrive at the concept of the zero, which they represented as a shell because it could be both empty (0) or full (20).
The 20 solar seals, are actually found within our 20 fingers and toes, in much the same way as the 10 digits we currently use, are based on our 10 fingers (including the thumbs of course).
Similarly the 13 galactic tones are found in our 13 major joints; 2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists, 2 elbows, 2 shoulders, 1 spine/neck. “Our body’s 13 major joints, or articulations, move us through the universe. Through movement and measure, we experience each other and ourselves as the universe.”
Anyway yes so you’re Kin 52: Yellow Cosmic Human. Here is what MonkeyScribe wrote in his “consciousness burrito” for the day. These are fun, but more focused on the general energy of the day… You can sign up here (highly recommended)
Okay as you can see that monkey gets pretty playful, and even a little cryptic at times, but he’s a cool one to tune into, and if you sign up for his little “consciousness burrito” then these cycles will begin to take on a new depth.
Interestingly, the 13th tone, or Cosmic tone, is the power of “presence”. In a sense that could be about dwelling in natures presence, and the power that can be derived from that.
My other friend Alana, ran a cool project over at Sea Life, where we tried to dream of our “galactic signatures”. She is a white Solar Mirror, and I think her dream was a good example, of what one can learn from their signature:
White Mirror: Reflects, Endlessness, Order
Solar: Pulse, Realise, Intention.
So yes thanks again Ilana! I find your perspective on all this really interesting and it helps me to get a clearer picture of the way in which others understand these concepts. I hope you’ll start to follow or record your dreams via these cycles, since that’s when the real fun begins…
I hope others feel free to jump in with questions of their own too. You can find out your kin here,
I just did a little browsing about the whole mayan lunar calendar, the math of which I don’t really understand, but i’ve got an idea of the concept, and it certainly does make more sense than the Gregorian calender. About the day being born giving us certain qualities and attributes though, I’m not so sure… Being born on March Fifth, 1984 my signature is
Yellow Overtone Warrior
I Empower in order to Question
Commanding Fearlessness
I Seal the Output of Intelligence
I am guided by the power of Flowering
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
I did a little intro reading on the definitions of the color, tone and tribe. The thing I most disagree with is my tone. The definition of Rythmic describes me almost to a T, especially the good thinker part, and weighing all options for best possible outcome, whereas the only attribute of Overtone that I embody at all, is that I like to help people (only people I care about ) feel good about themselves. Also, it was mentioned on the site, that we look good in our color, and let me tell you, I’ve never worn a yellow piece of clothing in my life, and don’t ever see myself doing so. With alot of ideas I encounter, I generally get a feeling from it. Some things feel right, or true, and I get that from the calender, which is why I feel it is much more appropriate than the gregorian calender, but I get no such feeling about my signature, or if anything, I get a feeling on the other end of the scale. The only thing I identified with at all from my signature was the warrior part, which did describe me quite well, and of that I did get a good feeling, but not the tone. Could there be a reason for this? I find it hard to believe that i’m simply denying my nature, because weighing options and assessing situations is completely the way I approach things.
don’t forget the tone line: “with the overtone tone of radiance”. hehee…i bet you left that out on purpose!
my kin is crystal monkey…my attributes are playful and magical, creating illusion as monkey and dedicated, cooperative and universalizing as crystal.
i don’t agree i was born being all of those things…but the idea that the sign you were born under as being your destiny, might strike a chord. perhaps over time, we realise and fulfil our destiny to be all those things and more? …or perhaps we were born with those attributes but have to go through a ‘remembering’ phase to realise our potential?
remember that the dreamspell was a system created to replace the gregorian calendar, it is itself, man-made. i see it more in this way:
what the dreamspell is concerned with more than ‘fortune telling’ and ‘divinity’ is the chance for the rest of humanity to align with nature, synchronisation with natural timing cycles. it is for the people, disillusioned with the way some factions have been controlling our lives and making us forget our closeness to nature through the use of ‘calendars and clocks’.
have you looked at your other kin attributes of the day you were born? uh oh…more overtone coming up!
support kin- overtone night
serves to nurture, encourage & be in harmony with overtone warriors path.
night attributes are abundance, dreams and intuition.
guide kin - overtone seed
serves to give direction, always the same colour as overtone warrior.
seed attributes are flowering, targets and awareness.
challenge kin - overtone world bridger
is the shadow and polarity of overtone warrior which challenges in order to strengthen.
world-bridger attributes are death, equalises and opportunity.
hidden kin - solar serpent
is the unseen energy that keys into the spiritual path of overtone warrior.
serpent attributes are life-force, survival and instincts.
solar tone attributes are pulse, realise and intention.
you may find a connection to these signs if you want to look deeper at the signs of your birth day. i only just described the basic attributes, i don’t know where you get your source material to decode from so i’ll leave it up to you to explore them some more if you choose.
learning the dreamspell for yourself is more than just decoding your birth day. explore it further and try following it for a while…it’ll show you there is more to it than only your kin.
No Realyity.Failure, didn’t leave that out on purpose, wasn’t aware of it. On the site that I did the reading, didn’t mention anything about “Overtone Tone of Radiance” not sure where you got that from. I agree I need to do more research on my own kin and sign, but as a first impression, it wasn’t terribly convincing. Your reply might be that it’s not meant to be convincing, which is certainly valid, but i’m expressing views based mostly on my “feelings” of wether or not something rings true for me. Could you explain " Overtone Tone of Radiance" ? might clarify things for me/lead me to a better understanding of my sign/tone.
I consider myself an open minded person. Please don’t take my skepticism as negativsm. Again I must repeat that my disbelief in my “Tone” is based primarily on what I can only call “feelings” which is a simplistic term for what I use to guide much of my life.
a healthy blend of skepticism and enthusiasm to learn are valuable tools for finding your way in life. i never take skepticism as negative!
you gave your birth kin as overtone warrior so i know you’ve looked up a dreamspell calculator and not the traditional mayan calculator. you’ll find your glyph will be different if you look it up on a traditional one. you may find more resonance using that system than the dreamspell one?!
the traditional mayan calendars are more closely linked to your spirituality and the energies present on your birth day, whereas the dreamspell seeks to open your awareness of the cycles of the sun and moon and to help you adjust to the rhythms of nature, synchronisation and a closeness to humanity through meditation.
that’s how i see it anyway. i’m not mayan by birth and i haven’t followed either calendar for very long but for the moment my heart is telling me to follow both and i’ll feel my way from there. there is such a difference between the two systems and i’m not 100% sure that a lot of the mayan traditions ‘fit in’ with the dreamspell.
i’ll try to decipher your kin signature as best i can, i’m only fairly new to dreamspell myself but i learn as i go. i haven’t fully realised my own signature yet but the things i have figured out make sense to me, the rest i can accept for the time until i learn more about myself or the attributes i have. i’m not looking up any website for this information, i’m just going with what i interpret from the combination of the attributes in each line and an overall look at the kin.
to start with, each tone and each seal each have an action, a power and an essence related to it.
“i empower in order to question
commanding fearlessness
i seal the output of intelligence
with the overtone tone of radiance
i am guided by the power of flowering
i am a galactic activation portal… enter me!”
ok…“i empower in order to question”
empower is the power of ‘overtone’.
question comes from the action of ‘warrior’.
funny, that’s exactly what you are doing now, questioning your relationship to your kin…possibly helping others question their own relationship to theirs. i feel like there is an emphasis on communication associated to your kin just from the combination of these two attributes, empower and question!
“commanding fearlessness”
commanding is the action of ‘overtone’.
fearlessness is the essences of ‘warrior’.
you mentioned you like to help people? commanding is equal to taking charge of a situation. maybe you help people to realise their strengths and give less power to their fears? in your own situation, maybe you see opportunities and take the action to increase your courage? do you like to ‘go boldly where no man has gone before?’
“i seal the output of intelligence”
this line is probably the most complex. it is calling on the powers of the yellow timecell (a cycle of 4 days).
there are 5 timecells in each 20 days. imagine the timecell as a breath, or as energy. timecell one begins with input (red), then store (white), then process (blue), then output (yellow), then finally matrix (green).
so the ‘ouput’ in this line is releasing the energy to the universe. in a world wide view of dreamspell users, we are all in rhythm if we follow the dreamspell and say the affirmation daily (the days affirmation that is).
the intelligence is the ‘warriors’ power.
you are sending out the power of intelligence to the univere. i understand this to be your main duty or role you play in relation to your kin signature.
“with the overtone tone of radiance”
this line is reaffirming the essence of ‘overtone’ which is radiance. i’d say radiance has to do with your personality. this is how i relate to mine anyway. maybe you have one of those personalities where you may ‘illuminate the room’ when you walk in. maybe people see you as someone who can ‘shed some light’ on some aspect of their lives? do you get asked for advice a lot maybe?
“i am guided by the power of flowering”
this line comes from your guide kin. each day, the main signature kin has 4 other kin related to it. there is a guide kin, a hidden kin, a support and a challenge kin. i briefly mentioned them in my last post, what influence they have on your life. well it seems that your guide kin is yellow seed.
i see the seed seal as one of growth. it is guiding you to grow and perhaps ‘target your awareness’?
and finally…
“i am a galactic activation portal… enter me!”
there are 52 days out of every 260 that are special days in which there are special energy portals open. these days are like hyper energetic days, on GAP days, when you say the affirmation, you are asking for the universal energy to enter and invigorate the earth. healing her and channeling much needed energy to her core.
if you look at the harmonic module (chart of 260 kin days) you’ll see the blacked out, or darker days look like a dna helix…sorta…those are the kin days and they weave their way through the harmonic opening portals on these days.
all of the beatles were born on portal days apparently. =P me too!
anyway, overall, my view on the overtone warrior kin is that of someone who is able to speak up and be the person who initiates debate. you are neither for or against, but someone who can give a balanced point of view on just about any issue you are called upon to give your input on.
your guide kin is calling for you to open up more and grow, increasing your awareness by setting targets for yourself.
ahh…i hope i helped you figure some of the meanings out a bit. i haven’t really explored what the seal and tone mean in a scared way and i definately haven’t looked this up in a book (though you can probably tell…lol)…it’s just my views and understanding on overtone warrior.
there are many dreamspell pages out there to help you discover this stuff, just as some would read up their horoscope or their numerology i guess. any site you go to may have different meanings depending on what ‘spin’ they put on the readings or understanding.