This is a dream.
When you look at something, it doesn’t mean anything.
You can take a word, a letter, a picture, a tool, an object, stare at it, and attain lucidity.
When someone says to you, a spoon is for eating, sure that is true. But what does a baby think a spoon is for? A baby doesn’t know what a spoon is. A baby may sit for hours enchanted at this magical shiny portal in front of it, known by adults as a spoon.
The baby is mesmerized, freshly immersed in this dream we live in of infinite potentials and fresh divine potent reality, where anything is possible.
The baby becomes a child with a rich active imagination, who becomes an adult reading this message board.
So to know, fully, that this is a dream, requires the cessation of analytical thought. Analysis, tangents, argument, these are scalpel activities. They take what it is, divide it into many parts, and categorize and label and make assumptions.
These assumptions are ghosts. Once made, they are dead.
They compose the syntax of the matrix.
For instance, I am driving my car. What is a car? Is a car something to stand atop of and yell “cu-ckoo!” ?
Is it?
So I am driving my car. Motorist Z is tailgating me, therefore I get angry. This is just syntax. Then you call Motorist Z a mean name, this is just syntax.
Your doppleganger doesn’t do that, he pulls over to let Motorist Z to pass, and wishes him well, he’s sort of like Ned Flanders, full of cheer for everyone.
Meanwhile you go to the supermarket, a man steps in front of you, cutting. You become irate, all day the anger seethes in you.
This man is an Indian, he thought that you were not in line, because you were standing WAY TOO FAR BEHIND THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU
Who is right?
is the Indian right? Are you right? This is cultural programming.
It’s just a dream. For Indians, if you leave five feet of space between you and the next person, it means you aren’t in line. For angry people, if anyone steps into that space, it means you MUST yell at this person.
It’s all programming.
It’s dream syntax.
Angry people seek out and find reasons to justify their anger. I throw your pepsi bottle to the side because the energy is repugnant, you yell at me.
Who is right? I am right. You are right. We are both right. The energy is repugnant, but you aren’t attuned to energetic vibrations like I am, and you have a lot of territorial anger issues.
It’s a DREAM.
Ned Flander’s lends freely to Homer, Homer takes advantage, again its a dream.
It doesn’t mean anything.
So what means something? Sad people find reasons to be sad, happy people find reasons to be happy. Drug users find drug using friends, sober people find sober friends.
It’s a dream network… again.
does what mean?
What does what mean?
Stare at the word “What”?
Have you ever forgotten what a word meant?
Lucidity comes in arranging the puzzle pieces of this reality intelligently and defining how you want to react in every situation.
Look at the word “react”
it requires rehearsal
if you listen to your fantasies in your mind, you will see that, maybe you spend a lot of time fighting and yelling in your mind, so then you fight and yell later in the future
or maybe you think about how you are always really attractive, and the bee’s knees, so you have a lot of confidence
and so the trick is
to use the conscious mind, to override the programs stored in the basement
which requires shaping the fantasies you have into the ways you want them to go
which changes the way your sleeping dreams are
which changes the way your waking dream is
and the key to KNOWING this is a dream
is to know that THERE IS NO SPOON
is to find and look deeply at something, anything, and ask, “What is this” which is not a dead process its not saying “what is this” 25 times in a row
its just really inquiring and seeing
i stare at a cup
what is this cup
what is A cup
what do cups do
and you don’t really THINK about it
you just permeate it
and stare at it
and you ask
and you might realize, i really don’t know what this cup is in front of me
it might begin to look really strange
then you take a look and you see
i am in a restaurant and the restaurant is insanity
dozens of humans are following complicated ritual programs which tell them it is normal to use “chop-sticks” and it is SANE to eat fried lard and they are drinking from straws in cups marked “coca-cola” and “coca-cola” is poison and you might just start to notice really odd things
you are sitting here staring into a computer monitor
and you know it
and you know that what a computer monitor is, is a dream, brought into this world by the efforts of billions of minds, millions, thousands, dozens, who dreamed very intricate dreams to bring it here
and that you might notice using a computer is insanity
then you might see computers in the future
how they don’t look anything like this
how they are projected from glasses on our heads into our immediate vision and we use our eyes to navigate and type
you might see that you are sitting in a chair
which does certain things to your spine
you might see that it’s insane for people to take notes in class, when instead they could just pay attention
and that your neighbor is twitching his feet, and its destroying his energy circuitry slowly over time
and how you suddenly started scratching your head, and you don’t know why
and that we are all talking monkies that think we are intelligent
but how is it that you got here
you are walking to the kitchen and you don’t know why
or what for
or where you came from
deja vu
i feel it slipping into nothingness
raw pure dream awareness
liberating and vividly freeing
crystal clear radiance
how did i get here?
right here right now
staring into a computer reading this