Had me 4th LD last night and I tried the trick where you step through a mirror and yer suppose to end up at some other place. I ended up in a black void. I tried it two times and both times I ended up in a black void.
Should i be doing anything special when I step through or what?
The sensation of stepping through was kinda cool though it felt like some kind of watery substance… But no luck with the ending up in another dreamworld thingy.
Haroo lol u stepped out from rem sleep stage into a non rem sleep stage!
Can happen sometimes, maybe when u go through a mirror again try a vocal command like say loud before u step through “Beach!” try it!
I have heard this phonomon before.
I have ended up in an empty room from going through various kinds of portals. Usually I get out of it by drawing a circle in the air and either thinking about a place, or just going through and seeing where I end up