moved to quest from stuff of dreams forum
and after the big move to Lucid Adventures
I had a really strange but enjoyable experience in my lucid dream last night. I went through a TV screen.
I was walking along wondering what to do next, when I came accross a huge TV screen showing a cartoon (It was about 4 metres high and 8 wide). I started to wonder what would happen if I went inside the screen, then decided to try it. I ran towards the screen and jumped head first. I went inside and I could feel fuzzy electronic pins and needles all over my body. I was floating around in anti-gravity inside the TV. I could look out of the screen at the place I had come from. I was inside the cartoon and could see cartoon characters next to me. It was like I was in a box where the cartoon landscape would stop at the edges of the screen. I had a fun time bouncing off the edges of the screen in zero gravity.
Has anyone else had an experience like this? If so, I’m interested to know if you felt the pins and needles like I did.
I advise people to try it next time they come across a TV screen.
I did this once in a normal dream, and all that happened was that I stepped into the scene it was showing (mind you, it was live action, not a cartoon). The screen vanished and I was in a new place. Just like walking through a door, really.
Stephen LaBerge uses this as advice to change dream setting. I use a more direct method of just thinking where I want to be next. Of course something concrete to concentrate on helps a lot. This could be a TV screen or a door that opens to a new world or something else.
I usually feel the pins and needles when going through the walls. But I know this is just in my mind that requires some response when something extraordinary is going on.
I know this is a little off topic, and is unneeded, and may make you roll your eyes, and think “what a perfectonist…” , but isnt it “Through The Looking Glass”, not “Through The Watching Glass”. Maybe it was intentional, since you watch TV not “look” it…
Deltaandroid. It was intentional, I chose to call it “Through The Watching Glass” rather than “…Looking Glass” because a looking glass isn’t a TV so I changed it.
I don’t blame you for pointing it out though, I usually get annoyed with mistakes like that.