Has anyone ever used any of the tibetan dream yogi techniques to successfully become lucid during a dream? I was wondering because I am thinking about buying a book on them. Thanks. . .
I bought the book "The Tibeten Yogas of sleep and dream by… I don’t recall at this moment… Anyway, I’m only shortly into it but it seems to be quite nice so far. I haven’t tried any of the techniques yet however. I am still reading through the philosophical background. I recommend it if even just to get a different cultural perspective on lucid dreaming.
i’ve looked into it and from what i’ve gathered it seems to have a very strict discipline involved. i didn’t come across any direct references to lucid dreaming but as deep as this practice is, im sure its ideal for ld’ing.
From what I can tell, the beginning disciplines are not as tough but as you get through the book there are much more complicated and intricate disciplines. I bought it mostly because I wanted to gain a little knowledge on that specific cultures outlook on dreams.
We had an exiled Tibetan monk come here to my school and draw a mandala in sand for our art department. It was simply amazing… so intricate and at the end they scatter it and destroy it. I wish that I could have asked him about the Tibetan beliefs about dreams while he was here.