Time to dream?

Hello all,
I was wondering. Sometimes I go through phases where I probably get less sleep than I ought to. Less than 6 hours a night for about 6 days at a time in weekly cycles.

This isn’t a big problem in my waking life but I find during theese periods my dream recall isn’t that good. I know I’m probably having dreams as I dream during exam periods when I’m certainly not sleeping enough.

It could be that my lack of sleep tends to coincide with me stopping puting as much thought into my dreams, I lose my confidence in my ability to remember and dont realley try; or is it harder to remember or have dreams when you get less sleep.

Any thoughts appriciated,

Ive had the same problem…but it was because of my job that I wasnt getting enough. I beleived it was the fact that my mind could not adjust to the fact of getting up early and was unable to recall anything…but during the weekend when i didnt work my dream recall was normal. or it could be your not eating right…but Im not to sure.

You could try an alarm waking you up at the middle of whenever you sleep. If i am woken up in the middle of a dream i am almost sure too remember it. But this tech might not help with your waking life-you might get more tired. Hope it helps though!

I usually also have bad dream recall when i am tired and don´t get enough sleep,but i can´t really explain why.Perhaps the REMs are used for “resting”,or i am simply too lazy to remember my dreams?
I think what you rote at the bottom of your post is both right


"The general rule is-the longer you sleep the more chances for good recall.
Heres why- most of our dreams take place during REM periods.REM phase occurs every 90 mins.First one is relatively short and in time it gets longer to reach around half an hour in third cycle.
What we remember best is that last REM(also the closer to REM we wake the more we recall).

So- if you want improve it try waking up just after last REM phase.

ps.be patient,let your body adapt to new hours of sleep…in time you should be back to good recall."

The above is just a copy of what i posted in some other thread.....hope it helps:)

Ps.If you can find 1-2 hrs for afternoon nap that would be great…for your recall and lds:)

Thanks for the thoughts and advice. I’m starting to remember my dreams a little more now so I guess I can build on that and get better recall.

All that’s been said rings true to me so I guess I’ll just keep trying. It seems a shame to forget dreams. After developing better recall for a while I realised that I was missing myself before. Who knows the things I’ve seen and people I’ve met that I’ve just forgotten about by morning. Such a waste. :smile:

Anyway, hope you’re well,