timing of WILD, LD vision and going through objects

random question…why cant you just do a wild when going to sleep? why do you have to wake up in the middle of the night
also, some help walking through objects? i cant acomplish that yet, and when i become lucid i can keep it like that but my vision is so screwed up and blurry for 20 seconds or so and my eyes feel weird like im underwater or something

removed from first LD collection

You can do a WILD before going to sleep, it just wont work very well. Reason is, usually the first 4 hours of sleep, does not contain any REM periods, meaning you will not dream. And for you to carry out a WILD through 4 hours of unconciousness, is very hard.

Walking through objects? Simple… Believe you can! If you have any thought of you seeing yourself just bounce off a wall, then you are not going to be able to go through. You could do this visually very easily. Make a pill appear, and tell yourself, when you swallow that pill, you will be able to walk through anything, as if that is the reason why the pill was created.

As for the vision, try spinning around reall fast, or rubbing your hands. Try not to close your eyes because of it, because that might knock you into RL, and you wouldnt want that to happen. You could try and also rub one eye at a time, while the other eye is open. You will just have to experiment.

Hope that helped!!

walking through walls is squishy and glitchy, and looks exactly like using the ‘no clipping’ cheat code in Doom.

lol, that’d be weird

Haven’t tried passing through solid objects yet… I’m afraid it would hurt or, even worse, it’s be stuck in the wall til it was time to wake up.

Something I recommend trying, from personal experience, is drinking LOTS of pop in your lucid dream. I did it in my lucid dream last night. It was grape soda and it tasted better than ANY grape soda I have had in real life. I could even feel the carbonation going down my throat. I was floating in mid air and chugging it down all the while knowing that it would have no affect on my body when I woke up. It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world for health nuts like myself. :happy:

screw drinking anything…I’d be eating as much crap as possible!! endless rows of pizza, hamburgers, pasta…mexican food…lol. oh thatd be so awesome…all the flavor, but none of the tummy aches :smile:

I’ve had WILD symptoms and ND’s within 90 minutes of going to bed. Like you I thought this was impossible, but the good people on this forum told me otherwise. I suppose it just goes to show you that it can be done, but I wouldn’t hold out on getting consistent results.

Yes it does happen from time to time. It’s the equivalent of taking an afternoon nap, that is, going straight to REM periods. However, from what I have read, if your body is tired, has been awake long enough, and really just wants to shut down, you will fall asleep the “normal” way, where you just rest for the first 4 hours, without any REM periods in there. Then after that, periodically, you begin to have REM periods that start getting longer and longer.

For a more scientific type description, you might want to google this topic :smile:

I’ve never had much of a problem with WILDing before bed. :shrug: I never wake up and do it- I don’t wake up, period. :razz: (Well, for enough time to do this at least) My insomnia probably has something to do with it, but that’s another story entirely… ^^