Tips for Increasing Dream Recall

Well for the last 2 weeks my dream recall has been horrible. I just started my new term in school and it is stressfull. I still try to get alot of sleep but its not helping. I just tell myself that i will remember my dreams before i go to sleep. But now I rarely remember any of my dreams. I keep a dream journal to. So do any of you have any tips on increasing dream recall?

When you first wake up in the morning don’t start getting all reved up for the day, thinking about what you need to get done. Just lay there and allow yourself to slowly wake up. Lie in bed for a minute or two and just try and recall what you dreamed about. It will come with a little practice. Also try lying in different positions that you might sleep.

Good Luck,

I already do that, I usually stay in bed for 5 minutes trying to let the dream come back but no such luck. The thing is though is that im im gettting worse at it. I started out remembering 2 dreams a night and it stayed like that remembering ocassionaly(sp?) 3 or 4 dreams a night. But this last week or two has been horrible, im lucky to remember one dream and its usually fragmented.

Maybe you are trying to hard. :eh: Sometimes dream recall can differ for reasons unknown to us. There are so many factors that can affect it. It might be your not getting enough sleep, maybe you have been stressed out about something, who knows…It could be anything and its not anything you should worry about. I play golf and I guess you could relate it to dream recall. Some weeks I play good and some weeks I don’t, I don’t know why the diffences in the way I play, it just happens. Give yourself a few days off and get a couple good nights sleep where you are not worrying yourself about remembering dreams. You may find that you will recall even more dreams this way…who knows! Just take off a couple nights and see what happens. :smile:


Once i also didn’t remember any of my dreams, until i have found a very good method to remember them, and it’s working!

  1. Try to sleep for at least 6 hours at nignt, if possible try even 7-8 hours. more hours you sleep means better dreams recall.

  2. This is the most importent point - Every morning when you wake up don’t open your eyes! stay for about 7-10 minutes in bed with your eyes closed and ALL this time only try to remember you dreams WITHOUT wondering around with your thoughts. do it for at least 7-10 minutes, then get up and write everything you remember - Try this! it’s working!

  3. Another thing that really helps very much is this - set another alarm clock to wake you up about 30 minutes before the houre you really have to wake, when it’s wakes you just turn it off and get back to sleep, this few seconds of waking will make your brain more fresh before you turn to sleep again and it’s really helps very much for dreams recall.

Good luck! :smile:

sometimes what i find helps is trying to remember what you did yesterday, think to tv shows or movies you’ve seen in the past few days, as those tend to influence the dreams you have. many times i’ve gone to do something i commonly do in real life, and gone “wait a minute, i dreamt about this last night”

Ive been having hard time remembering my dreams latelly too.I remember only blurred fragments for last 2 mnths:(.I sleep well over 9 hrs…sometimes 12.I started thinking it might be too long tho.No idea.But from what i read those dry spells are happening to anyone.Sometimes they last longer sometimes shorter.Just keep doing what you do,it will come back.
You may also try vitb6…it works pretty well on recall.
good luck

Sdmfoo24 i posted a topic called super dream recall method at this forum…
quest for lucidity.
This method really helps big time for dream recall!
I remember 5 to 6 dream stories when i wake up with this method were i usually remember 1 to 2.


This must be the strangest dream recall method I’ve ever seen. I haven’t tried it but perhaps someone feels like giving it a shot. :wink: I don’t remember where I originally found it.

“…The practice of this exercise has led to a recall rate of about 90% after three months of work, as well as successful lucid dreaming about 10% of the time.”

Dream diary will do so in 2 weeks:)With vitb6 help even faster.
And i wonder…where are those percentages from?10%lucid dreaming?First of all its little,secondly its only one person experience.Just a thought:)

ps.Not to discount your post Pantheon,just noting facts

Jack: Heh, I only posted the method because it seems so strange and daft. I’ve never tried it I don’t think I ever will. It’s just such an odd approach to recalling dreams while - as you say - one can do it a lot easier. I mean, who would think of that kind of a method? Of course, I won’t blame anyone for trying it and when nothing helps, it’s better to try just anything than give up. So, you never know, maybe it will turn out to be handy for someone. :smile: