Tips for talking to SC?

hi, well i have never really talked to my subconsious before and i want to. In a previous lucid dream i tried tho. in my dream i made a computer appear. I then went on the computer and looked for a file labeled, “subconsious” but sadly there wasnt one. i then for some reason went to u tube and i typed in subconsious and my first result was a video called “how to talk to your subconsious” i didnt click it tho :cry: dangit!! i bet that wouldve told me how! but anyways. :grin: In another LD i yelled out into the sky “invent me something cool” and it worked but i wouldnt exactlly call that talking to my subconsious. Any ideas or tips for me?? thanks!

Yeah, talk to yourself. Ask yourself questions and answer them.

Sorry if that sounded intruding, but IMO the SC is nothing but a part of you - the part which is aware when you aren’t. I try to give myself LD’s, not asking “the SC” to give them to me. Why do I fail ? Cause I don’t know how to talk to myself…

I also have a “special” DC. Some people would call him my SC, but it’s my LD “tutor”, someone to talk with. Plus, did you know that you can get “your SC” stuck up ? I mean, ask it some questions it can not answer. Which makes me think… aren’t all DC’s “your SC” ? :meh:

I summoned a DC form of my SC several times (though lost lucidity or the dream a bunch of times cause he didn’t show up how I expected after the first two times). He’d often start talking on his own, but I’d get time to talk as well. I always learn something from him, even if I don’t get exactly what I was expecting done.