last night(this morning whatever), i had a dream in which i became lucid. but i dont believe i did. i became lucid when i pinched my nose and could breathe so i must be least, that was the way i was thinking at the time… but when i sat up in bed i saw myself from outside of my body. i remember in the dream that got up and tried the very things i would try if i got lucid:
tried to summon a woman (twice)- fail
tried to increase lucidity- fail
tried to fly-fail(i actually remember how it felt to land on me face)
i even tried to summon my avatar-fail again.
i have never had a dram that felt like that befroe. has anyone ever had a dream like this? did i get lucid or is my mind just playing with me? i would be pissed if it was just a glorified ND but i wouldn;t be too happy if i got lucid either (kinda disappointing really).
btw, the method i used was the suneye method (after spending that entire day ‘living lucidly’. questioning everything as i it could be a dream)
i had two other dreams after that both ND’s.
Noone can tell you wether you were lucid or not. Lucidity isn´t defined by anything that is happening in the dream, not even by your actions, but only by your state of mind. You are the only one who knows about your state of mind, so you got to trust your own feelings.
However, I can tell you that it is definately possible to “dream that you are lucid dreaming”. I had quite a lot dreams like that, doing a RC or something and knowing that I am dreaming, but without “day conciousness” getting active.
Yes, it shows that your mind is thinking enough about lucid dreaming, so that it carries over into your dreamworld.
Once you have in mind that you might be dreaming you´ll probably go lucid soon.
Or…you could have been completely lucid , just terrible at control. flying is had to come to grips with. so is conjuring up things (or women) out of nowhere. practice makes perfect…
…this may sound backwards, but i would hate it if i had been ‘completely’ lucid or even anywhere near complete because i experienced the same memory loss after afew days that happends with my ND’s. it would suck cuz getting lucid would be pointless if i could only live in that moment without any hope of remembering it later. so im just gonna stick with the ‘NDing about LD’s’ theory for now .
since that dream, my ND’s have become much much more vivid. i am reading things in my dreams, remembering conversations, and things like that…curious.
You very well could’ve been lucid - maybe the whole time with poor control, or maybe just for a few moments.
There are varying degrees of lucidity. You are fighting for control of the dream with your subconscious and if you get distracted by the dream conceived by your subconscious it is easy to lose that lucidity. I’ve had many LD’s where I can’t control everything I want. Lately I’ve backed off and tried to take things slower/ easier and just maintain lucidity longer. Gradually, I add more to the mix.
to be lucid, you have to be consciou in your sleep… so were you conscious that you were dreaming? if so then you very well were lucid.
to me it sounds like you just had very bad control, aslmost as if you should have tried to stabilise the dream a bit more and thaguht abouthow your physical body is in bed. That would hav gotten you (more) lucid. But it sounds like it could pretty well be a dream about LDing.
but if you are scared about forgetting the dream, then start practicing remembering more dreams. But the best way to remember the dream would be to do so: tell yourself in the dream that you will remember the dream. drink a potion wich allows you to remember the dream. write down your dream WHILE you are dreaming. This one may sound like it would bum out your LD, but no, it doesnt.