To Brainwave or to Hemi-sync?

That is the question :smile:

I know there is alot about this stuff on the forums, but just not enouf :tongue:

I am using Hemi-sync the gateway experience, at the moment i am buzzy whit the 3 wave file of WAVE I. I can experience a rather deep state of relaxation. But is that something that could be usefull for lucid dreams?

I heard about this brainwave thing alot … is it freeware and where can i get it?
Is Hemi-sync better than brainwave?
What kind of files should i use when using brainwave?

Share your experience whit using this type of programs/music.
Do you use it on a regular basis, or did you use it more in the beginning of you quest for LD?

Gimme some feedback here :content:

