I finally started keeping a Dream Journal and actually writing in it.
However, now I’ve run into a bit of a luxury problem instead - last night I woke up a couple times during the night and I got a pretty large number of dreams (5), and that’s not even all of them, since I forgot to write down a couple of them.
The problem is that even the keywords for these dreams take up a whole page, so it kinda feels like I will have to spend at least 4 or 5 pages just for this last night alone, and that will take a massive amount of time to record.
Is there any way to make this a little more convenient?
Hi Laurelindo,
How encouraging to hear about your rich dream content! Certainly, I’m not the first to suggest using a laptop for your dream journal. If you’re a fast typist, would it help you?
I actually sleep with my laptop in bed with me, and I prepare my e-DJ before bed. That way I just flip open my laptop and start typing the second I wake up. If you have recurrent dream signs, maybe you can adopt your own abbreviations for them to save time?
I’m sure others will have good ideas to share. I’ll be reading the threads, too!
You are very lucky to have such bountiful dream recall. If I were you, I’d write down key moments and events: any time where you felt strong emotions or saw compelling imagery. String them together with a few words and don’t fuss on the details (unless you feel they are incredibly important).
If you’re good at speaking your thoughts, maybe you should get a recorder or an audio recording voice app on your phone. Much faster than writing, imo…
P.S. – If you’re running out of room in your dream journal, perhaps invest in a larger book? I use sketchbooks on occasion and college ruled, fat diaries where I can scribble to my heart’s content.
Congratulations. Now you can start writing down dreams YOU find interesting. For example, if you had 10 dreams, write down only dreams with your own reoccuring dream signs. Or dreams in which you felt strong emotions like happyness or fear or anger. Or dreams in unusual places or with unusual creatures. Take 2-3 dreams you find most interesting and write down only them.