Too much LD control...

So last night was an amazingly long LD. Infact it lasted almost the entire night. I kept waking up here and there, but when i went back to sleep, i was still lucid.

But as the time went on, i started having too much ease in things happening. My mind started acting like it did in real life, and became a chaotic mess with random thoughts popping up out of nowhere. The problem became that everything that popped into my thoughts happened in the dream.

I accidently kept changing my LD friends face into random things that i kept randomly imagining. We had a long argument about it, and we broke off our friendship. I was upset in the dream too, but in real life im not upset at her at all, and i hope she comes back in the future.

I think saying you have too much LD control is somewhat incorrect. In fact, your situation is sort of the counterargument which explains why what I said in another thread was wrong (thank you for providing such a good counterargument!): I said that the key to control in LD’s is realizing there is no spoon, essentially, and consequently no practice is needed, just that full realization. However, that realization does not lend control, it simply changes the nature of the problem.

In the case where the dreamer lacks control in the usual sense, as in cannot affect the dream, I would recommend coming to the realization that there is no spoon (although, from people’s reactions to that, I would also recommend practice). In your case, I would certainly recommend practice, but you can even do more than that: meditate. Meditating, essentially practicing focusing on just one thing, would be just the thing to fix your problem.

If you can’t control your dream character’s face from changing, that means you don’t have too much control. If you had complete control, you could stop it from happening.

Focus is an important part of control, and from what it looks like, that’s what you are struggling with. I suggest to start doing lucid living.

This only happened that once, hasn’t happened again. The only reason that did happen is because i was in a very strong ld. Like i said, lasted the entire night. The problem was that in real life i can’t control my own thoughts. Without going too much into detail, my mind just randomly brings in all kinds of thoughts, pictures, and audible things. It was becoming too much like real life and that was leaking into my dream. I’ve never had problems making something happen. I just think it, and it happens. I kept picturing her face differently and it kept changing into what i pictured.

So it’s not that i didn’t have control over my dream, i didn’t have control over myself.
It reminds me of those movies where people gain these super powers, and go spastic, destroying things and such because they can’t control it.

To be honest, i’m not really sure why i posted this. :eh:

Actually I would suggest that although you were having strong Lucidity, your dream was very shallow (explains you waking up).

Shallow dreams are easier to become lucid in but you have the kind of problems you describe. In deeper sleep control is far more challenging, staying logical is far more challenging, but this kind of chaos is far more unlikely.

So, not to be overly arrogant, but you are somewhat wrong in your assumptions. Seeing the problem in the right way should help you down the line.