Too Real?

Have you ever had a dream that was so real, that when you wake up it’s hard to tell if it really happened?

Like this one time I dreamed that my parents were talking about going to Australia for vacation and I was really excited about it. When I woke up I actually went to my mom and asked her when we were going. That certainly was embarrassing… :lol:

Has that ever happened to you before?

YES. When i was little i dreamt a helicopter landed in my backyard. I still think it happend even though its not really realistic. I was asking my parents about it for about a year :shy:

yes, my dreams seem to be getting more real each night, and they also seem to be merging with reality. Like last night, I had a false awakening where i woke up in a bedroom that seemed vaguely familiar, i thought at the time that i had awakened from a coma into the real world (as in, right now im still in that coma and thinking this life is the real one).

When I first wake up I’m pretty good at telling the difference between reality and dream. However, there have been a few instances which I’m not sure were real. I remember scenery better than anything else in my dreams, and often it’s very realistic - and in real life, my family and I were always going on trips around various towns and places. There have been a few times when I remember a particular place, and I honestly have no idea whether I’m remembering it from real life or just a very old dream - which is rather freaky, actually.

:lol: Yeah, that’s happened to me plenty of times. It still does sometimes, but I’m more aware of the distinctions between dreamality and reality now :content:

Like :uh: there was this one time that my dream and the real world seemed to melt together so smoothly…in my dream I met this really cool girl at a shoestore she was working at (I bought a pair of Air Jordans :wink:) and I got her number before I left and said I’d call her so we could hook up sometime :nodnodwinkwink: So I went to sleep in my dream after my dream-day was over and woke up in real life and I was like, “Oh yeah!” and I was all looking for my shoes that I bought in the dream world, but couldn’t find 'em and I was like, “D*mn!” I figured they’d turn up somewhere, so I tried to call that girl 'cause I memorized the “number” (which is odd :bored: because now that I think about it the “phone number” was just a bunch of weird symbols and stuff, but when I woke up they seemed to translate into numbers :shrug: ) and when I called I got somebody else and asked if that girl was there, but she wasn’t, I felt silly, said I dialed the wrong number, and realized it was a dream…so…no Air Jordans :sad:

Or maybe…I did dial the wrong number :confused:

I cant say that I’ve ever had an experience like that. Personally that would scare me if I couldn’t discern reality, when you are awake there just this sense you have that your not in a dream.

It happens to me now and then when I remember a conversation with someone and I get wondering “Was that real or I just dreamed that?”. That’s really weird XD

Well I had an LD then I had a FA. It was daylight and it was my dad he was giving a conversation I did not realise it was a LD but now I do.

i have sometimes where i have just woken up and i am really super sleepy and can see my dreams in real life but i am doing the dream in real life. like about 2 years ago i this happened and i reached over and grabbed my gameboy and started playing and then all of a sudden its gone and i start looking around for it but i didn’t even think for a second that it didn’t happen.

Couple of times

One time , around the era of Game Boy , I dram that I had received a new game by my parents for it. In my dream I put it into a cabinet we had of the time, and woke up soon after that. As soon as I woke up, I’m thinking in my head “New game yipiiii!!!” , so I look in the cabinet, and find nothing. O well, breakfast time ^.^.

The earliest time I can remember that happening is when I was walking outside my house after a storm hit- there were leaves and fallen branches everywhere, the sky was dark and the air was thick with rain. Going to my backyard I found a charred black skeleton lying on the ground. I took off my jacket and wrapped it up in it, feeling his black charred flesh- it was like an extremely overdone hamburger, or beef jerky.

When I woke up I asked my mom if there was a storm last night. She said there wasn’t.

Yep, I know exactly how you feel. A while ago i was taking antibiotics, and I dreamed that I had finished all of them, so for a week or so afterwards I went without taking them… :ack: