tool/ marijuana

TOOL’s third eye is wonderful, like a trip or really strange dream.

unfortunatelly when i smoke marijuana or drop acid i lose my LDs!!!
and i must choose one… smoking is so easy… :sad:

Great way to start a subject, but my question is where is it going??? I dont really understand what you really want to talk about. I guess my advice or what i would do, is drop less acid and smoke more pot. Natural way is they way to be if you want to LD. oTHERWISE ITS NOT AS CLEAR, my question is, how can you sleep on acid???

the fact is that i just replied but i was wrong and create new topic…

after 4 mnths of practice tibetan way to LD i had it almost every night
(i didnt use drugs then), but one day i smoked&dropped and my LDs dissapeared. i dont know why. it returned but now its so rare…

about sleeping on acid: is it possible? not for me.

Did you loose sense of yourself, did you have a bad trip and dont feel the same? Or do you just feel like you feel so connect to yourself that you understand your innerbeing and have no senses of dreaming? Or your just stuck and you need encouragement to snap out!! Give more details, must explain to understand.

What were these tibetian methods you used?
Is it to with the chakra points and sleeping positions?

i was my best trip. i feld every nerve cell of my body, it was great, like explosion of body consciousness, also mind was expanded. after that i meditated every day but LDs dissapeared.

ceavou: about tibetan way to have LDs you can read in Tenzin Wangyal’s book. i dont know english title(~tibetan yoga if dreams and dreaming~)

Its Tibethan ways of dream and sleeping(or yogas instead of ways).
really great book,not only bout lds.Lots of info about dreams and their nature there.Number one on my shelf:)

ps.kazkazkaz-did you go through all the stages of practice?how come u had it everyday?how long did it took?
if u have a time post please what directions have you gone.

Maybe you ate up apart of the memory of what you like to dream of, or maybe you dont see things the same way and your slowly discovering what you Ld about. Maybe your just stuck like me. I wake up every morning (lately) thinking i didnt dream, then later when my day goes on, i start to remeber parts of my dreams thats sseems very pointless at the time, but its great reinsurance of me still dreaming. I get so lost in my dreams i forget about dreaming, does that seem natural? What phase am i at, can anyone help us? Is just me…

Tool is an awesome band! Third eye is probably my favourite song and on acid it never fails to send me into an ecstatic union of self … pity about the loss of lucid dreams but, I suggest you only use acid occasionally
as the experiences are more memorable
also next time listen to lateralus
and reflection(the drumming alone transports you)
this universe is vast mysterious and magical
the rabbit hole is always deeper

I like to say, i went to a recent show. And they really take you to another Realm of being and feeling great. They have energy surege through the room and the band releases and vice versa(audience). They know what to do when comes to a show, including alot of alex Grey’s paintings(inculding big ass back drop) you can check the back drop Otherwise all of there songs have great meaning and progresses to a great climax! Every show takes you to another realm and you feel different and just have a great time and it feels like a long trip! Than you can look forward to next the show… Tool Rules!!![/url]

Yeah. tool, they’re GREAT i saw them once i Cracow-Poland. it was the best show ive ever seen (even better than pinkfloyd’s or king crimson’s).
Lateralus is really great, i hope theyll come to europe again. i wonder how they find ideas for so many diferent songs, for example 46&2 . i think to write lyrics like this must have degree in genetic! they are great!!!

JACK: mainly 4 ~preparing~ (sorry for my english) stages+SZINE, every day about 3mths.
it ws the most important.
the main practice: ive only used first- throat chakra. i had lots of problems with fall asleep during focusing on it, when i didnt foces too much i lost control. this was hard for me but 4preparing practices was enought to have LDs

Hubbs: Do you think it is natural to lose sometimes dreaming and after some time gain it again? maybe its something like exam of willing to have LDs? have you read 9th CAstaneda’s book only about dreaming
(i dont know title in eng but smthin like ~art of dreaming~)
he had LDs all the time for few years and Don Juan told him to think only bout his life, and he also lost his LDs for sometime, … but what im thinking about to lose mine?

Your just proabally stuck. Have you been dreaming at all at night? Pop in a tool ablum and fall asleep to it, This might reconnect some flaw.

Thats pretty cool. I was listening to Third Eye when i read this. Saw tool in Fort worth a couple of weeks ago. Amazing. I think of tool as a replacement for drugs…

I saw them at Fort Woth too. Thats cool the other show before that was in Ft. Lauderdale, great f*cking show! TICKS & LEEACHES!!!

Heh funny thing KazKaz-ive just noiced you`re polish.Damn for ages i thought im the only one here.Good to know:)